RPSC Society

The Society
Updated: May 28/24
As Canada's national society, The RPSC is the world spokesmedia for all stamp collectors in Canada. Membership in the Society is open to anyone, a beginner or an advanced collector. The RPSC offers a number of services that will be of interest to you.

Membership Fees

See the membership fee schedule for the annual fees.

Apply for your membership on line.


    Présidente d’honneur
    Son Excellence la très honorable Mary Simon, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., O.Q., C.D., Gouverneure générale du Canada

    Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., O.Q., C.D.,
    Governor General of Canada

President /
Dr. Gregg Redner, FRPSC
Dorchester, ON
Vice President /
Premier Vice-Président
Peter McDonald
Ottawa, ON
Secretary /
Phil Visser
Owen Sound, ON
Treasurer /
John Sharp
Toronto, ON
Past President /
Président sortant
Sam Chiu, FRPSC
Toronto, ON


    Mario Chevrette, Granby, QC E-mail
    Dianne Earl, Burton, NB E-mail
    Alan Hills, Waterloo, ON E-mail
    Chris McFetridge, Saint John, NB E-mail
    Bruce Pollock, Victoria, BC E-mail
    Jeff Slemin, Toronto, ON E-mail
    Gordon Smith, Dartmouth, NS E-mail
    Selene Tang, North York, ON E-mail
    Joe Trauzzi, Brampton, ON E-mail

Assistance / Assistance: Peter McDonald E-mail
  • National Office (Medals, 50 Year Club, Volunteer Recognition / Bureau national (médailles, club 50 ans, reconnaissance des bénévoles): Lee Ann Stewart E-mail
  • Editor: The Canadian Philatelist / Rédacteur en chef : Le philatéliste canadien: Robin Harris, FRPSC E-mail
  • Finance / Finances: John Sharp E-mail
  • Legal advisory / Conseiller juridique: Ed Kroft, KC, FRPSC E-mail
  • Ethics / Éthique: Ed Kroft, KC, FRPSC E-mail
Community / Communauté
  • Membership / Adhésions: National Office / Bureau national E-mail
  • Conventions / Congrès: Dianne Earl E-mail
  • NextGen Advisory Council / Comité consultatif Nouvelle génération (NextGen): Selene Tang E-mail and Jeff Slemin E-mail
  • Chapter Support / Soutien aux sections de clubs : Bruce Pollock E-mail
  • FQP, SPQ Liaison / Liaison avec la FQP, SPQ: Mario Chevrette E-mail
Education / Éducation
  • Publications: The Canadian Philatelist / Publications : Le philatéliste canadien: Gordon Smith E-mail
  • Stamp Talks / Discussions philatéliques « Stamp Talks »: Alan Hills E-mail
  • Panels & Webinars / Tables rondes et webinaires: Gregg Redner, FRPSC E-mail
  • Study Circles / Cercles d’études: Phil Visser E-mail
  • Judging and Exhibiting / Jugement et exposition de collections: Joel Wiener, FRPSC E-mail
  • International Liaison Officer / Agent des liaisons internationales: Ed Kroft, KC, FRPSC E-mail
Education / Connexion
  • Social Media / Médias sociaux : Gregg Redner, FRPSC E-mail
  • YouTube / YouTube: Joe Trauzzi E-mail and Lisa Tam E-mail
  • Communications / Communications: Gregg Redner, FRPSC E-mail
  • Website / Site Web: Robin Harris, FRPSC E-mail and Lisa Tam E-mail
  • CSDA / Association canadienne des négociants en timbres-poste (CSDA): Chris McFetridge E-mail


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