RPSC RPSC Chapters and Affiliates

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RPSC Chapters and Affiliates
Updated: Feb 11, 2025

Click on the province that you would like to see a listing of Chapters of The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada. In most cases, these are the regional or local clubs that meet regularly to discuss stamps, and stamp collecting. Many of these organizations provide a great many services to their members and we strongly recommend that anyone interested in stamps be a member of these organizations in addition to The RPSC.

> Affiliates/National Chapters are listed at the bottom of this page.

To assist in locating the chapter nearest to you, the list has been sorted by Province and then by City in which the chapter meets. All cities are listed alphabetically. Look for your city and, if there is no chapter in your city, check out your neighbouring cities.



Affiliate 1001 The British North America Philatelic Society, Ltd. (BNAPS) is an international organization devoted to the collector and researcher of the stamps, postal markings, and postal history of Canada, the pre-Confederation colonies, and Newfoundland. Our membership is made up of general BNA collectors, devoted specialists, prominent philatelic authors, and respected dealers. Any person of good character may become a member and share in the many benefits and resources the Society offers.


Affiliate 1003 The PHSC is devoted to the study of the postal history of Canada and the early North American colonies. Originally founded in 1972 as the Postal History Society of Ontario, our name was changed in June 1977, reflecting the expanded nature and scope of the Society. It is a non-profit society whose members are students of postal history at all levels of experience, and it promotes communication and the dissemination of information among members.


Affiliate 1005 The Grand River Valley Philatelic Association (GRVPA) has 16 Clubs plus Youth Stampex as Charter Members. As an organization, the GRVPA offers stamp collectors and clubs a variety of services and assistance.


Affiliate 1006 The Northwest Federation of Stamp Clubs has some 35 member clubs and philatelic organizations in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington as well as British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada. With the exception of a short period of inactivity during WW II, the organization has served as a common cause meeting ground for organized philatelic interests within these states and provinces. It hosts an annual World Series of Philately (WSP) show.


Affiliate 1007 The Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada comprises scholars of philately, specializing in a diversity of subjects. Founded in 1954, the Society emphasizes sharing knowledge by means of lectures, publications and competitive exhibiting. Members' achievements in advanced philately are celebrated with awards and special events. Membership is by invitation. Monthly meetings feature learned presentations which are held at the premises of The Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario. Additional lectures are hosted at major philatelic exhibitions throughout Canada and occasionally abroad. Contact: Bob Vogel, President


Affiliate 1008 La Société d’histoire postale du Québec (SHPQ) a été constituée en 1980 afin de regrouper les amateurs d’histoire postale, de promouvoir cette discipline et d’encourager les recherches susceptibles d’en faire progresser la connaissance. Elle constitue un lien entre ses membres et leur permet de publier des ouvrages, particulièrement en langue française, sur l’histoire postale. La SHPQ s’intéresse principalement à l’histoire de la province de Québec ainsi qu’au territoire correspondant avant sa constitution. Elle traite également de sujets reliés aux régions adjacentes, dans la mesure où ils ajoutent à la connaissance de l’histoire postale québécoise. La SHPQ publie un bulletin trimestriel, le Bulletin d’histoire postale et de marcophilie, envoyé régulièrement à chacun de ses membres et offre près de 45 titres de publications se rapportant à l’histoire postale du Québec.


Chapter 187 meets The Canadian Aerophilatelic Society (CAS) welcomes anyone interested in aerophilately or astrophilately, worldwide. Yearly membership for Canadian and USA members is $20, for Americans $22 Cdn. and for all other countries $25.00. No formal meetings but members join the RA Stamp Club meetings at the RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Dr., Ottawa, ON, at 7:30 p.m. every Monday except June, July and August. Contact: Brian Wolfenden, 203A Woodfield Dr. Nepean, ON K2G 4P2 (613) 226-2045.


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