Zoom Presentations

MP4 videos; will open in a new window.

The 'RPSC Stamp Talks' are only accessible by RPSC members after logging in via the home page.


The 2010 Vancouver Olympics

by Al Hills

2025, February 17 - 1:16:24 (193Mb)

A look back 15 years to the Vancouver Olympics through Stamps

    RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

    Collecting Modern Issues & Modern Canada

    by Christopher McFetridge

    2025, January 20 - 1:04:44 (207Mb)

      RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

      Letters from Santa (und der Weihnachtsmann, me Hana Kōkō, a Siôn Corn...)

      by Lisa Tam

      2024, December 9 - 56:05 (679Mb)


        RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

        Halifax Explosion

        by Leon Matthys

        2024, November 11 - 1:06:15 (266Mb)

          RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

          Doing Research at Library and Archives Canada

          by LAC Archivists

          2024, October 14 - 1:06:7 (357Mb)

          Learn about Library and Archives Canada’s philatelic holdings and how you can access them.

            RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

            VGG Foundation Library

            by Natalie Mitchell

            2024, September 9 - 54:57 (304Mb)

            Find out more about the Harry Sutherland Philtelic Library, its resources, and how to access the information.

              RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

              Montreal Telegraph Company (en français)

              by Yan Turmine

              2024, August 12 - 58:18 (360Mb)

                RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                Stamp Collages

                by Michel Houde

                2024, July 8 - 44:07 (161Mb)

                The art of creating a composition by affixing complete or frragmented stamps onto a surface to form an image or design is known as Stamp Collage.

                  RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                  Understanding the grill stamps of the United States

                  by Jan Hofmeyr

                  2024, June 10 - 48:55 (235Mb)

                    RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                    Philatelic Expertising

                    by Garfield Portch

                    2024, May 13 - 1:24:47 (357Mb)

                    Learn about getting your items expertised. Garfield Portch is a member of the expertizing committee at the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation.

                      RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                      Canadian Cartophilately: much more than the 1898 map stamps.

                      by Douglas Hill

                      2024, April 8 - 41:51 (100Mb)

                      This talk covers the many different maps appearing on Canadian stamps, and other philatelic materials such as souvenir sheets, booklet panes, semi-official airmails, and eight other philatelic items. We will discuss about 50 examples, including some uncatalogued varieties, from the complete list of 255 known items.

                        RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                        Eclipse Philately

                        by David Foot

                        2024, March 11 - 1:40:24 (317Mb)

                        On April 8, 2024 there will be a total eclipse of the sun potentially visible (clouds permitting) from Niagara Falls to Bonavista. Total solar eclipses occur when the moon completely blocks the sun, resulting in a moving shadow on the earth. They occur approximately twice every three years, although often in hard-to-reach locations. A solar eclipse collection embraces the world, all eras, and can include stamps and postal history, as well as commemorative and first day covers.

                          RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                          One- and Two-Page Exhibits

                          by Gregoire Tessyier

                          2024, February 12 - 54:12 (103Mb)

                          One- and two-page exhibits: What are they about? Why should you try one?

                            RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                            Animal Mothers and Babies Stamp Issue

                            by Meredith MacKinlay, Caroline Brown

                            2024, January 8 - 43:24 (177Mb)

                            MacKinlay and Brown collaborated on the Animal Mothers and Babies stamp issued in April 2023 by Canada Post.

                              RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk


                              by Peter MacDonald

                              2023, December 11 - 59:34 (168Mb)

                                RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                Military Philately

                                by Bill Longley

                                2023, November 13 - 51:55 (168Mb)

                                  RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                  GB Machins: An Overview

                                  by Duncan Barber

                                  2023, September 11 - 43:02 (113Mb)

                                    RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                    NFTs: What are these New-Fangled Things?

                                    by Lisa Tam

                                    2023, August 14 - 59:37 (200Mb)

                                    Find out what NFTs and crypto stamps are, and whether they

                                      RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                      Duplex de Montréal - Oblitérateur chiffré et lettré

                                      by Alexandre Fortier

                                      2023, July 10 - 1:07:46 (499Mb)

                                        RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                        Fakes and Forgeries

                                        by Ken Pugh

                                        2023, June 12 - 1:25:00 (320Mb)

                                        Ken Pugh literally wrote the book about fakes and forgeries. Join us for a general discussion on forgery/fake detection, China counterfeits, and Sperati, the most dangerous of all the BNA forgers.


                                          The RPSC 2023 AGM

                                          by RPSC

                                          2023, June 11 - 58:26 (430Mb)

                                            RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                            A Variety of Varieties

                                            by Arnie Janson

                                            2023, May 8 - 1:06:00 (156Mb)

                                            The presentation features >50 “on-cover” examples of varieties and >100 examples in total. They span from early pence major re-entries to dramatic Elizabethan printing errors.

                                              RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                              Wonder Woman

                                              by Derwin Mak

                                              2023, April 11 - 1:14:09 (389Mb)

                                              For nearly 80 years Wonder Woman has stood as a symbol of truth, justice and equality to people everywhere--including on postage stamps. Note: meeting is on Tuesday.

                                                RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                The Human Side of Philately 

                                                by Ken Snelson

                                                2023, March 13 - 52:12 (134Mb)

                                                Human interest stories told through philately, postal history, and other ephemera.

                                                  RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                  Collecting Modern Canadian Beaver Stamps

                                                  by Douglas Hill

                                                  2023, February 13 - 39:25 (221Mb)

                                                    RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                    Colour and Appearance, Attempted Uses in Philately

                                                    by Sam Chiu

                                                    2023, January 9 - 1:12:23 (312Mb)

                                                      RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                      The Christmas Stamps of Austria

                                                      by David Oberholtzer

                                                      2022, December 12 - 51:31 (159Mb)

                                                      David Oberholtzer FRPSC has collected stamps since the age of twelve and has been a member of the “Royal” since 1969. He served the Society as Treasurer for thirteen years (1993-1998 and 2009 - 2017), was on the organizing committees for CAPEX 96 and the 2016 Royal. He is also member of The Postal History Society of Canada, the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada, and the Kitchener-Waterloo Philatelic Society. David is also a Fellow of the Society of Management Accountants of Canada and Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario.

                                                      His Philatelic Interests include Canadian Postal History, specifically Barrel cancels of the Elizabethan Era, Postmarks of several townships in Huron County, Christkindl Austria cancellations, Christmas stamps of Austria and Pre-Independence Jamaican stamps.

                                                        RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                        WWII Rationing on the Canadian Homefront

                                                        by Wendi Trauzzi

                                                        2022, November 14 - 40:26 (145Mb)

                                                        Speaker Wendi Trauzzi, B.Sc., RI.B. (Ont), C.I.P., C.R.M.

                                                        Wendi was first attracted to philately out of an interest in history, and to WWII rationing from an interest in historical recipes and cooking.

                                                        Wendi has served as an editor for several publications including for the Grand News. She has exhibited several times including nationally.

                                                          RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                          Canada’s C-Force in Hong Kong

                                                          by Sam Chiu

                                                          2022, October 10 - 1:17:32 (152Mb)

                                                            RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                            Hamilton’s Commerce and Industry through Illustrated Covers

                                                            by Ken Lemke

                                                            2022, September 12 - 30:34 (98Mb)

                                                            My interest in philately dates to the acquisition of my father’s stamp collection. As a youngster, my interest in the hobby could more accurately be described as “stamp collecting”. My collecting became more serious in the 70’s when I joined BNAPS and the APS while living in New Jersey, however; like many others, I drifted away from the hobby while raising a young family.

                                                            I rejoined BNAPS (current Past President) about 2006 with my primary interest being the King George VI Era, which includes all forms of postal history, censor labels, air mails, postal stationery etc. I also have an extensive collection of the varieties that exist on the Canadian KG VI stamps. My other primary collecting interests are the postal history of Hamilton, ON and Lady Boats.

                                                            After returning to the hobby, I also joined CPS of GB, RPSC (current Vice President) , PHSC (current Secretary), CAS, APS AAPE. ATA, and the PSSC (Current Director of Programs).

                                                            Ken has been married to Jane for 56 years. They have three children, seven grandchildren and one very spoiled English Springer Spaniel Emma.

                                                              RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                              Discovering the Stamps of France

                                                              by George Pepall

                                                              2022, August 8 - 43:39 (103Mb)

                                                              I couldn't avoid becoming a stamp collector if I’d wanted to since both my parents had substantial collections. My father collected British Commonwealth and Canada, and my mother collected the world. They had the benefits of fellow collectors at school in an informal club.

                                                              My earliest memory of having my own stamps is of 100s of the 3c blue US Jefferson prexie stamp, which I soaked and hinged in a calender book with the help of Lepages glue!

                                                              In more recent years I’ve participated in local and regional exhibiting and judging, including US classics and KGVI used stamps, which my father directed me to. Good used BC is more difficult to complete, but avoids gum problems.

                                                              When it comes to the question of specializing or staying open to new interests, I lean toward the latter, always with a bias towards engraved stamps.

                                                              I’ve served as an RPSC director for 21 years, eight as president.

                                                                RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                Campbell Island: Postal History of a Subantarctic Weather Station

                                                                by David Foot

                                                                2022, July 11 - 1:01:48 (374Mb)

                                                                  RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                  Postcards - The Pioneer Period - Late Victorian 1898 – 1903

                                                                  by Leigh Hogg

                                                                  2022, June 13 - 52:38 (157Mb)

                                                                    RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                    Politics and Postal Circulars: Lester Pearson’s Role in the 1948 Evolution of Postal Relations Between Canada and the State of Israel

                                                                    by Ed Kroft

                                                                    2022, May 9 - 1:34:10 (183Mb)

                                                                    Ed will be discussing how Canadian foreign policy and politics shaped and significantly influenced the development of postal relations between the two countries. He will show previously censored material obtained from the Canadian Archives which, among other things, demonstrates how Canada would not acknowledge the existence of the State of Israel in 1948 postal circulars to suit Great Britain’s foreign policy initiatives. Three of Canada’s prime ministers (MacKenzie King, Pearson, and St. Laurent) played roles in the development of Canada’s 1948 postal policies towards Israel.

                                                                      RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                      The History of CAPEX

                                                                      by Charles Verge

                                                                      2022, April 11 - 1:18:02 (275Mb)

                                                                      Charles J. G. Verge, RDP, FRPSC, FRPSL and President of the Jury of CAPEX 22 will make a presentation commemorating the 75th Anniversary of CAPEX as part of the RPSC Virtual ZOOM Stamp Talks. It will tell the story of the origins of CAPEX in 1947 and an extensive look at the history of CAPEX ’51. The PowerPoint presentation will contain a large number of contemporaneous photographs and artefacts from the CAPEX ’51 archives at the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation’s Harry Sutherland Philatelic Library.

                                                                        RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                        Philately of the 1920 Antwerp Olympics

                                                                        by Gregg Redner

                                                                        2022, March 14 - 59:51 (119Mb)

                                                                        The 1920 Antwerp Olympics are a story of war, nationalism and panicked preparation. They are also the story of the first large scale attempt to use postage stamps and cancels to advertise an Olympic Games. Join Gregg Redner as he leads us through this fascinating and little explored area of Olympic philately.

                                                                          RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                          Pandemic Philately: Beyond COVID-19 Stamps

                                                                          by Jean Wang

                                                                          2022, February 14 - 59:47 (318Mb)

                                                                          The COVID-19 pandemic offers philatelists a unique opportunity to collect tomorrow’s postal history in real time. This presentation will highlight the variety of material that is available beyond stamp issues, including pictorial postmarks, machine slogans, meter marks, postal stationery, and misrouted and returned mail. Together, this material provides a philatelic record of the pandemic.

                                                                            RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                            In Defense of the Border – Canadian Military Mails and Dispatches 1628-1885

                                                                            by David Hobden

                                                                            2022, January 10 - 1:25:39 (164Mb)

                                                                            His family were relative latecomers to Canada emigrating from Sussex England in 1870, settling Berlin and later Toronto. Born in Blind River Ontario, raised in Oakville and Burlington. Attended Gladys Speers Public School before moving to Burlington and attending Nelson and MM Robinson HS’s. Graduated from Civil Engineering at the University of Waterloo 1987, moved to Milton in 1988, where he still resides. Married with three grown children, his Wife Helen teaches with the Halton District School Board.

                                                                            Canadian History is a consuming passion for David. His principle research area is early Canadian Military History and more recently Mails and Dispatches of the War of 1812. He considers himself fortunate to have lived almost his entire life in Halton County but laments watching our history swallowed up by the tide of progress. David collects and studies the early postal history of Upper Canada, generally from as far back as material and information is available up to the point of drastic social change brought about by Mr. Fords invention!

                                                                            David has always had an appreciation for our past, and an acknowledgment of what it has cost generations before us to provide us with the Society we have today.

                                                                              RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                              From Philatelist to Specialist

                                                                              by Michel Houde

                                                                              2021, December 13 - 44:11 (118Mb)

                                                                              The evolution from simple collector to specialist will be explored by Toronto philatelist Michel Houde, a member of the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada as well as other clubs and specialist societies. In retirement he has plunge into researching his collecting areas and written over many articles for the philatelic community.

                                                                              Specialization should interest general collectors because having a purpose and challenging yourself are great ways to maintain your mental health. There's also the added satisfaction from making discoveries and having eureka moments.

                                                                              After much research and discussion with nearly 30 other philatelic specialists and dealers, Michel will explore why and how philatelists become specialists. He will also share what collectors have gained from being a specialist and what it allows them to give back to the hobby. He will also offer advice and insight on how collectors can evolve into specialists.

                                                                                RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                Paying for air mail: Canadian Air Mail stamps and protocols, 1928 - 1939

                                                                                by Chris Hargreaves

                                                                                2021, November 8 - 52:23 (88Mb)

                                                                                Chris Hargreaves has been editor of The Canadian Aerophilatelist, quarterly Journal of the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society, since 1994, and thoroughly enjoys the correspondence that involves with researchers in Canada, across the USA, and around the world.

                                                                                Chris also writes a column of "Canadian Air Mail Notes" for the American Air Mail Society's Airpost Journal; has given presentations at many stamp exhibitions including Aerophilately 2007 and New York 2016; and is Editor-in-chief for the revised edition of The Air Mails of Canada and Newfoundland. He was inducted into the Aerophilatelic Hall of Fame in 2015.

                                                                                  RPSCRPSC Royal-2021-Royale National Virtual Exhibition

                                                                                  Judges Seminar

                                                                                  by Joel Weiner

                                                                                  2021, October 17 - 54:39 (69Mb)

                                                                                  Joel Weiner was born in Montreal and has been collecting stamps for 65 years. His collecting interests include Canadian inkjet cancels, Palestine Mandate postal history, and British stamps and postmarks. He is a life member of the Society of Israel Philatelists and the APS and a member of RPSC, BNAPS, AAPE, GBPS, Perfin Soc. and PSSC. He has developed several gold medal exhibits including Jerusalem Postal History during the British Mandate, The Jaffa-Jerusalem Railway, the One Penny Machin and Canadian Centennial Booklets. He authored the BNAPS Canadian Inkjet Catalogue. Joel is a national RPSC judge with over 20 years experience. He chairs the RPSC Committee on Judging and Exhibiting. Joel is vice-president of the SIP, a director of RPSC and Commissioner-General of CAPEX22. He is married to Linda and they have two grown sons and two grandsons. He is a Biochemist and Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at the University of Alberta and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.

                                                                                    RPSCRPSC Royal-2021-Royale National Virtual Exhibition

                                                                                    Philatelic Judges: A Practical Seminar (en français)

                                                                                    by Charles Verge

                                                                                    2021, October 17 - 1:50:49 (345Mb)

                                                                                      RPSCRPSC Royal-2021-Royale National Virtual Exhibition

                                                                                      Digital Philately Workshop - A hands on Experience

                                                                                      by Darin P. Cherniwchan

                                                                                      2021, October 16 - 1:16:11 (165Mb)

                                                                                        RPSCRPSC Royal-2021-Royale National Virtual Exhibition

                                                                                        Post Office of the British Consulate in Bangkok from 1855 to 1885 (en français)

                                                                                        by Michel Houde

                                                                                        2021, October 16 - 1:08:38 (183Mb)

                                                                                        I started collecting stamps when I was ten years old when a friend of my father's gave me an album and a cigar box full of stamps. For the past three years, I have focused on preparing my book entitled: "British Consulate Post Office at Bangkok 1855 to 1885." It is published by The Stuart Rossiter Trust and will be published this summer. And that's the basis of what I'm going to present. I was part of the APS expert committee for Bangkok. My interests go beyond stamps, I find it interesting to study the history of the people and places involved. See my website at www.michelhoude.com Although I specialize, I have kept a wide interest in philately and will always be able to find things that interest me. My philosophy is to freely share all the information I have with collectors. I have a circle of friends stamp collectors, in several countries.

                                                                                          RPSCRPSC Royal-2021-Royale National Virtual Exhibition

                                                                                          Why I Collect Hong Kong

                                                                                          by Ingo Nessel

                                                                                          2021, October 15 - (152Mb)

                                                                                            RPSCRPSC Royal-2021-Royale National Virtual Exhibition

                                                                                            The colonial post office in Quebec, 1763-1851: the different stages of research (en français)

                                                                                            by Cimon Morin

                                                                                            2021, October 15 - 59:31 (136Mb)

                                                                                            Retired in 2008, Cimon Morin worked for 30 years in the federal public service mainly as Manager of the Canadian Postal Archives at Library and Archives Canada. Among his contributions to philately, he has published numerous articles, a philatelic bibliography in three volumes and more recently La poste coloniale au Québec 1763-1851 and he edits the catalogue des marques postales du Québec series. A founding member and former president of the Société d'histoire postale du Québec, he was the main editor of the Bulletin d'histoire postale et de marcophilie from 2008 to 2020. He is the current president of the Académie québécoise d'études philatéliques.

                                                                                              RPSCRPSC Royal-2021-Royale National Virtual Exhibition

                                                                                              Street Post Offices of Toronto 1881-1901

                                                                                              by Garfield Portch

                                                                                              2021, October 14 - 1:04:22 (119Mb)

                                                                                                RPSCRPSC Royal-2021-Royale National Virtual Exhibition

                                                                                                Introduction to Marcophilia and Canadian Postal History (en français)

                                                                                                by Grégoire Tessyier

                                                                                                2021, October 14 - 1:22:29 (224Mb)

                                                                                                With a master's degree in the history of communications (Université Laval - Mémoire: La distribution postale de la presse périodique québécoise de 1851 à 1911), Grégoire has been interested in philately since the age of 11. He was introduced to postal history at the age of 14. He has written more than a 30th article in French in journals such as Le Bulletin de la SHPQ, BNA Topics, Le Philatéliste canadien, and has published, in collaboration with Marc Beaupré, < Initiation aux marques postales du Québec >. He has worked as a consultant for the Canadian Postal Museum and Parks Canada and has had the opportunity to intern at the Canadian Postal Archives. He is currently Director of the SRPC and was President, Director and Secretary of the Société d'histoire postale du Québec and editor of its Quarterly Bulletin. Member of various boards of directors of several local, national and international exhibitions including CANADA 92 and CAPEX 1996. Lovers of exhibitions

                                                                                                  RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                                  Introduction to the German Colonies & Post Offices Abroad

                                                                                                  by Chris Green

                                                                                                  2021, October 11 - 1:00:21 (117Mb)

                                                                                                  While Chris deals in all manner of philatelic material, his primary interest lies in classic philately. He is a member of a number of specialist societies, including the American Philatelic Society, the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada, the China Stamp Society, the United States Classics Society, and is a Life Member of the Royal Philatelic Society London. He is a Director of the Postal History Society of Canada and the British North America Philatelic Society, serves on the Expert Committee of the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, and was the Canadian Ambassador and a Leadership Patron of STOCKHOLMIA 2019.

                                                                                                    RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                                    Evolution of the Unitrade Catalogue from 2005 to the present

                                                                                                    by Robin Harris, FRPSC

                                                                                                    2021, September 13 - 1:04:38 (137Mb)

                                                                                                    Robin has been collecting stamps for nearly 55 years. He became editor of The Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps in 2005. He is a life member of The RPSC, APS, BNAPS and WPS.

                                                                                                      RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                                      Canadian Medical Groundbreakers: Concept to Design

                                                                                                      by Dr. Jean Wang

                                                                                                      2021, August 9 - 1:06:33 (203Mb)

                                                                                                      Jean Wang is a hematologist and leukemia researcher in Toronto with an interest in medical philately. She has been a member of Canada Post’s Stamp Advisory Committee since 2018. Join us as Jean provides a behind-the-scenes look at the design of the 2020 Canadian Medical Groundbreakers stamp issue.

                                                                                                        RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                                        Some Uncommon Destinations for Mail from Palestine During British Occupation: December 1917-May 1948

                                                                                                        by Ed Kroft, FRPSC

                                                                                                        2021, July 12 - 1:29:13 (414Mb)

                                                                                                        Ed Kroft, President of The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, provides an epic adventure around the world in his postal history presentation . There will be a discussion of over 150 rare covers sent from Palestine to various uncommon worldwide destinations over a 31 year period. His presentation will describe and analyze covers to over 100 different sovereign states, colonies, territories and possessions. The presentation will satisfy your appetite for an entertaining mix of history, geography and philately filled with extensive research.


                                                                                                          The RPSC 2021 AGM meeting

                                                                                                          by RPSC

                                                                                                          2021, June 14 - 1:05:24 (825Mb)

                                                                                                            RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                                            A stamp collector visits Antarctica

                                                                                                            by John A. Sharp

                                                                                                            2021, June 14 - 24:03 (168Mb)

                                                                                                            Graduated from University of Toronto in 1975 with Bachelor of Commerce degree and Bronze “T” for athletic achievements with Track and Cross-Country Teams. In 2018, I was inducted into the U of Toronto Sports Hall of Fame. Obtained CA designation in 1977. Currently married to Mary-Coleen Shanahan, CPA, CA, CMA. Two sons Christopher and James with my previous wife, Karen Steward, CA who died of breast cancer in 2005.

                                                                                                            Philatelic interests

                                                                                                            I first started collecting stamps in Grade 4, encouraged by my teacher. I had a world album and later I was given a Jarrett Canada album, which I still have today. I continued until University when other interests took over. I continue to save stamps from mail and stuffed them in a file drawer. They are still there today. About 10 years ago, I started up again to have something to do in retirement. I joined the North Toronto Stamp Club in 2015 and I am currently the chair of their Circuit Books. I tend not to collect beyond 2000 and some countries only to the 1980’s. My Canada, USA, Great Britain and Germany collections have few inexpensive holes. I have recently started new albums on DDR, Norway and New Zealand. I still have my world album, which has grown to two volumes.

                                                                                                              RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                                              Online Philately

                                                                                                              by Gerard McCulloch (Online Philately @The Punk Philatelist)

                                                                                                              2021, May 10 - 57:06 (504Mb)

                                                                                                              Gerard McCulloch is the writer of the online blog Punk Philatelist, which takes a light-hearted look at stamps, collecting and philatelic culture in general. Punk Philatelist is part of philately’s increasing move online. The early internet was a boon to stamp collecting as traditional collectors (and dealers) could expand their horizons beyond national borders. Younger generations are now discovering philately, but having grown up with the internet, their collecting looks very different. They’re less likely to join a local club and more likely to be active entirely online, enjoying the hobby with a worldwide circle of friends, particuarly via the colourful content offered by social media channels. What does that mean for our future, and what could this new world offer to you? What even is a ‘blog’? Let the ‘Punk Philatelist’ give you a rough guide to the next chapter in philately’s story!

                                                                                                              Click for author's website

                                                                                                                Owen Sound Stamp Club

                                                                                                                Simplifying the Machins

                                                                                                                by Robin Harris, FRPSC

                                                                                                                RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                                                Canada/British North America (BNA)-Union and Confederate Postal Cross Border Correspondence during the US Civil War

                                                                                                                by Ron Majors, Ph. D

                                                                                                                2021, April 12 - 1:18:45 (300Mb)

                                                                                                                This talk will discuss how postal communications between Canada and the Union and Confederacy were affected during the war. I will talk about how communications were before, during and after the war. Using illustrated and non-illustrated covers and letters, I will show the sentiment of the general public during this time as well typical and atypical means of correspondence that took place. In addition, over 50,000 Canadians fought in the war and communications by military personnel sent cross border and even within Canada/BNA helps to understand the more personal side of the War. Patriotism flourished during the Civil War and beautifully illustrated patriotic covers were an important symbol used to reflect support and many examples will be shown during this presentation.

                                                                                                                  West Toronto Stamp Club

                                                                                                                  Doar Ivri Issue of Israel

                                                                                                                  by Ed Kroft, FRPSC

                                                                                                                  2021, March 16 - 1:25:50 (168Mb)

                                                                                                                  RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                                                  Telling Stories with Postcards

                                                                                                                  by Liz Hisey

                                                                                                                  2021, March 8 - 53:35 (340Mb)

                                                                                                                  Elizabeth has been involved with the hobby for over 20 years. Elizabeth was one of the founding members of the Women Exhibitors, she is the Immediate Past President, and current Treasurer.

                                                                                                                  She is an APS Accredited Chief Judge. Currently she is Chairman of the Committee for Accreditation of Exhibitions and Judges, an APS Committee. Elizabeth is also a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London and sits on the Council of Philatelists at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum in Washington D.C.

                                                                                                                  Her exhibiting covers Illustrated Mail, Display, Postcards and Postal History. She has judged in Australia, U.K. and Canada. She and her husband Bob (another well known philatelist) live in Sarasota FL.

                                                                                                                    RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                                                    ELDO: Forerunner to the European Space Agency

                                                                                                                    by David Foot

                                                                                                                    2021, February 8 - 54:30 (264Mb)

                                                                                                                    David is a member of The RPSC and the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada. He served two three-year terms on Canada Post’s Stamp Advisory Committee.

                                                                                                                    He was born in England, brought up in Australia and studied in the United States, obtaining a Doctorate in Economics from Harvard University. He moved to Canada accepting an appointment at the University of Toronto where he became Professor of Economics. He is now happily retired enjoying travel (when possible), tennis and, of course, philately.

                                                                                                                    David's philatelic interests are focused around the British Pacific area and he has a topical collection on solar eclipses.

                                                                                                                      West Toronto Stamp Club

                                                                                                                      Canada's 1985-1989 50c Parliament Booklets

                                                                                                                      by Ingo Nessel, FRPSC, FRPSL

                                                                                                                      2021, January 17 - 42:55 (83Mb)

                                                                                                                      RPSCRPSC Stamp Talk

                                                                                                                      The Batman First Day Ceremony at New York Comic Con

                                                                                                                      by Derwin Mak

                                                                                                                      2021, January 11 - 50:25 (748Mb)

                                                                                                                      Derwin Mak is a science fiction writer, comics fan, cosplayer, and philatelist. He collects stamps related to comics and science fiction and runs the Transcamster Bog local post.


                                                                                                                        The RPSC 2020 AGM meeting

                                                                                                                        by RPSC

                                                                                                                        2020, December 9 - 1:13:40 (758Mb)

                                                                                                                        Chaired by President Ed Kroft, FRPSC.

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                                                                                                                          Copyright 2001-24, 2025 The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

                                                                                                                          All images and research articles found on this site are for your own personal pleasure and enjoyment only.
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