The RPSC encourages the formation of Study Circles in areas that are of interest to members. If you have an interest in forming a study circle on any topic please contact Study Circle Coordinator: Phil Visser by emailing him at
Study Circle membership is open to all and you may join as many study circles as you wish.
Study Circle Topic: All aspects of Hong Kong philately
Description of Study Circle:
We delve into Hong Kong stamps, postal history, postal stationery, treaty ports, branch post offices, booklets, postage due, postman’s beat chops, CHINA overprints, cinderellas, military themes, censorship, security markings and much more.
Study Circle Coordinator contact info:
Ingo Nessel
Meeting info:
We meet at the Greene Foundation in Toronto 4 times a year. Meetings are themed, but also allow for general show and tell, buy/sell/trade and lively discussion. In the autumn we get together for a Chinese dinner, where we set the following year’s schedule and themes.
2025 Schedule: February 23 – Postal Stationery; April 13 – Early Branch Post Offices; June 8 – Registered Mail; September 14 – Chinese New Year Commemoratives; November 14 – Chinese Dinner
Study Circle Topic: The philately of The Netherlands
Description of Study Circle:
This Study Circle is open to all who have an interest in Netherlands Stamps, Stationery and Postal History.
Study Circle Coordinator contact info:
Phil Visser
Topics covered:
All aspects of Netherlands philately
Meeting info:
Study Circle Topic: The philately of Belgium
Description of Study Circle:
This study circle studies all aspects of Belgian Philately from the pre-philatelic to the modern day. We are interested in all aspects of study from auxiliary markings to parcel post stamps.
Study Circle Coordinator contact info:
Gregg Redner
To become a member of this study group please contact the coordinator above.
Facebook page:
The Belgian Philatelic Virtual Study Circle
Meeting info:
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