Does your Chapter have a website? We recognize that it can be costly for smaller clubs to have a website. If your Chapter does not have a website and would like a basic one, we would be glad to host it here.
As a service to Chapters of The RPSC, The RPSC will provide, free of charge, a small web presence to Chapters who do not have the resources (man power or money) to have their own web site.
The idea is to give Chapters a "web presence" so that they can advertise their local club to the outside world.
We would recommend that your "site" consist of at least the following:
The Chapter must provide any/all images and web content to The RPSC webmaster (e-mail) who would then upload the web pages to The RPSC website.
Images can be in just about any format (JPG recommended) and content should be supplied in HTML, Word, WordPerfect or ASCII format.
We would encourage you to browse to some of the other Chapter websites and see the kind of content that they have.
The URL to these pages would be:
A link will be provided from the Chapter's listing already present on The RPSC website (
Our aim is to provide your Chapter with a small website. Please pass along new information on a regular basis.
Copyright 2001-22, 2023 The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada
All images and research articles found on this site are for your own personal pleasure and enjoyment only.
Any other use, particularly for a commercial nature on other web sites or auction listings is
strictly forbidden.