April 2020 Message from The RPSC President

Where do we stamp collectors

find ourselves in April 2020?

By Ed Kroft

Hello everyone.

We are witnessing many changes in the way we live and how society functions. May this message find you and your loved ones doing as well as can be in the present circumstances. These are stressful times. The media keeps us informed about COVID-19, its consequences and the drive to find a vaccine. We all wish for a speedy and successful end to the current crisis.

People are frightened. Therefore we all should do our best to be kind to each other and to reach out to those in need in whatever way we can. Quarantining, self-isolation and physical distancing make us feel alone. Stamp collectors are fortunate to have our hobby. It enables us to distract ourselves and to travel virtually to faraway places.

The hobby keeps our minds strong and creates opportunities for friendship, social discourse and fellowship with others around the planet. We get excited about rates, routes, markings, topics, perforations, watermarks, cancellations, postcards, maximum cards, illustrated covers, advertising covers, airmail, and about the history, geography, and all the other information that we assimilate and explore for in pursuit of our respective goals. As Ayn Rand wrote: “Stamp collecting is a hobby for busy, purposeful and ambitious people…The pleasure lies in a certain special way of using one’s mind… Stamp collecting fulfills that need. It establishes a wider context of its own, interesting enough to hold one’s attention and to switch one’s mind temporarily away from exhausting problems or burdens”.

How true in these extraordinary days!

What can we in the stamp collecting world do to keep together?

We can do a number of things amidst coping with the daily stresses of life compounded by the COVID-19 crisis. We can stay in touch. The RPSC and other philatelic societies and clubs throughout Canada and the world care about their members and the rest of the unaffiliated community. In the public interest, we have cancelled exhibitions and meetings to promote social distancing and to endeavour to keep everyone safe. These events that we all are missing will hopefully return in full force in the near future. Clubs will open again. The Vincent Graves Greene Research Foundation and the Harry Sutherland Philatelic Library will open again at some point for research and meetings.

What events are taking the place of what is currently unavailable to us? “Virtual” communications are occurring – whether it is through Facebook, email or other social media. We are seeing an increase in philatelic purchasing online and the rise of virtual exhibitions and stamp shows. A number of us are constantly exchanging emails with new covers, articles and information. We applaud and praise each other for our creativity, our research, our treasure-hunting savvy and for sharing ourselves with each other. If you have not done so, consider having regular video conferences using FacetimeWhatsAppZOOM or other platforms to discuss topics of interest. The American Philatelic Society is promoting Stamp Chats on its website. It is enjoyable to go to YouTube and watch videos about stamp collecting. You will be amazed at what you will find.

If you have not emailed or called philatelic friends, consider doing so. For the most part, people who are stamp collectors want the interaction, especially if the topic involves stamps. Consider writing an article for newsletters or philatelic journals. Subscribe to new stamp journals or newspapers. Reorganize your collections and the areas in which they are housed. Start collecting a new area. Go through your material to see whether you hadn’t noticed some interesting aspects of your stamps or covers collection at an earlier time. Occupy some time reading catalogues and other journals or literature that have been piling up. Try to interest others in the hobby especially if people are complaining of being bored; this includes younger people. Explore philatelic websites to expand your philatelic knowledge and/or to make new purchases. Even surfacing these websites for material can be an endless source of enjoyment. If you are interested in exhibiting, perhaps now is the time to get started. Experienced exhibitors may also wish to consider revising pages or upgrading their current exhibits.

The RPSC – where are we and what are we doing?

The RPSC continues to function remotely with the help of its dedicated Board of Directors, its volunteers, its extraordinary editor and webmaster, Robin Harris, and Lee Ann Stewart who runs the National Office. The RPSC Board communicates regularly by email and has regular two-hour teleconferences. Lee Ann is working remotely and will continue to process your membership dues and applications for new memberships. The Canadian Philatelist always welcomes your new articles for possible publication and will continue to be published with the able and faithful assistance of those at Trajan Publishing. The RPSC also has a Facebook page which I encourage you to visit.

Please consider nominating people for The RPSC Volunteer Awards. The RPSC has been receiving many worthy nominations. Please keep them coming in. The RPSC will announce the award recipients through various means. `

Royal *2020* Royale was cancelled in the interests of the members and the public at large on March 31, 2020. Details about a new date and the process for the 2020 AGM will be announced sometime soon. A number of directors will continue on for another two-year term In June and two new directors will be formally joining the Board when two others step down. I will comment on that again further in a subsequent message. Royal *2021* Royale is scheduled to take place in Peterborough, Ont., on June 25-27 2021.

Please keep safe and stay healthy

I want to thank you all for your support of The RPSC and the hobby. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I look forward to seeing you all in person, in print, or even in person as the year progresses.

Best regards,



The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada




Message du président — Le philatéliste

Par Ed Kroft, Président

Récipiendaire de la médaille Geldert 2019 — Larry Margetish de Victoria

Le Comité Geldert de la Société royale de philatélie du Canada (SRPC) peut décerner, chaque année, une médaille qui récompense le meilleur article publié dans Le philatéliste canadien.

Je suis heureux de vous informer que le Comité Geldert a arrêté son choix sur l’article « The Story behind Canada’s 12c Parliament Stamp » (volume 70, no 2, mars-avril 2019). Félicitations à Larry Margetish de Victoria. Le Comité a fait l’éloge de cet article pour la finesse de son écriture, l’originalité et les détails de la recherche, un récit intéressant agrémenté d’illustrations pertinentes sur un timbre élisabéthain courant important et sa remarquable contribution générale à la littérature philatélique canadienne traditionnelle.

La médaille Geldert a été instituée par Phyllis Geldert à la mémoire de son mari, George M. « Mac » Geldert, FRPSC et ancien président de La Société royale de philatélie du Canada (1958-1967). Elle-même remarquable philatéliste, Mme Geldert a œuvré à de nombreuses facettes du travail de La SRPC. Elle a été du nombre de ses directeurs de 1967 à 1978 et directrice administrative pendant trois ans. Elle a été élue Fellow (FRPSC) de La Royale en 1968 et est décédée le 23 août 2000.

Les membres du Comité sont : moi-même, Kevin O’Reilly, FSRPC, et George Pepall, FSRPC. Charles Verge, membre de longue date de La SRPC s’est retiré en 2019 et La SRPC le remercie de ses services.

La médaille sera remise à l’assemblée générale annuelle de La SRPC, à Fredericton, en juin. Un communiqué de presse sera également publié à cet égard.

Activités du conseil d’administration de La SRPC

Notre prochaine réunion du conseil d’administration aura lieu le 30 mars 2020 par téléconférence. Le conseil et d’autres bénévoles dévoués traiteront d’une variété de sujets relatifs au fonctionnement de La SRPC. Une fois approuvés, les procès-verbaux des réunions sont affichés dans le site Web de La SRPC, http://www.rpsc.org. Une réunion du conseil aura également lieu en juin 2020. LA SRPC devra pourvoir le poste de trésorier lorsque le très efficace Stuart Keeley démissionnera au début de 2021. Veuillez donc prendre contact avec moi si ce poste bénévole vous intéresse ou si vous connaissez une personne capable de l’occuper.


Plan stratégique de La SRPC et demande de statut d’organisme de bienfaisance

Le CA poursuit la discussion sur la mise en œuvre du plan stratégique pendant que l’Agence du revenu du Canada étudie la demande de statut d’organisme de bienfaisance de La SRPC en vertu de la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu du Canada.

Royal 2020 Royale — 19 au 21 juin 2020 Fredericton, Nouveau-Brunswick

Faites vos réservations maintenant avant que les places ne disparaissent !

Fredericton Inn

1315, rue Regent

Fredericton, NB

Pour obtenir de l’information, veuillez vous adresser à Rob Lunn (506) 460-2159.

Rob Lunn, président du congrès, m’a assuré que la planification va bon train. Toutes les tables des négociants sont réservées, nous avons reçu des offres formidables de commanditaires et des demandes d’inscription arrivent régulièrement.

Programme de reconnaissance des bénévoles de La SRPC — continuez à proposer des candidatures !

L’année dernière, La SRPC a rendu hommage à 22 personnes de partout au Canada et à leur contribution à notre loisir. Nous avons reçu quelques candidatures, mais nous en espérons davantage ! S’il vous plaît, proposez des candidatures afin que nous augmentions le nombre de bénévoles émérites à l’AGA de 2020, à Fredericton.

L’avenir de la philatélie — Robert Zeigler, président de l’American Philatelic Society

Le numéro de février 2020 de l’American Philatelist contient un article très réfléchi sur « les plus et les moins de l’avenir de la philatélie ». Il formule des observations sur les collectionneurs et la diversité croissante de notre passe-temps. Il affirme également que l’avenir de la collection de timbres et de l’histoire postale est brillant en raison de la technologie informatique et du potentiel de notre loisir d’accueillir des gens différents.

Il semble y avoir des membres de La SRPC partout

J’aime rencontrer des collectionneurs de timbres et parler avec eux, peu importe où je suis. Au début de février, j’ai été juge à l’exposition philatélique internationale de Sarasota (une excellente exposition) et j’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer Roy Houtby, un collectionneur de St Catherines ainsi que d’autres collectionneurs et exposants de La SRPC, comme Bob Carswell, Jack Forbes, Robin Moore et Stuart Reddington. Plus tard, ce même mois, j’étais à une exposition de cartes postales (aussi une excellente exposition) et j’ai rencontré 40 collègues philatélistes et membres de La SRPC. La même journée, à des kilomètres de là, dans le centre-ville de Toronto, j’ai croisé d’autres membres de La SRPC au marché St Lawrence à la recherche d’éphémères et de trésors philatéliques.

Orapex 2020, les 2 et 3 mai 2020

ORAPEX est l’exposition philatélique du Centre RA d’Ottawa. L’année 2020 marquera la 59e édition de cette exposition gérée par des bénévoles du RA Stamp Club, de l’Amicale des philatélistes de l’Outaouais, de la Société philatélique d’Ottawa et d’autres sociétés et organisations reliées. ORAPEX est l’une des rares expositions philatéliques nationales organisées annuellement au Canada et fait partie de la « World Series of Philately » de l’American Philatelic Society.

Centre RA,

2451 Riverside Dr.

Ottawa, Ontario

Samedi de 10 h à 18 h, dimanche de 10 h à 16 h

Admission et stationnement gratuits.

Chaque année, ORAPEX exploite un thème. Celui de 2020 sera Sujets particuliers, thématique et courrier illustré.

ORAPEX est fière d’accueillir environ 40 marchands de timbres-poste à sa bourse et a organisé une impressionnante série de réunions de sociétés, de séminaires et de groupes d’étude. Amenez vos enfants à l’espace jeunesse afin de les initier à la collection ! La réception de remise des prix est l’un des moments phares de la fin de semaine et une belle occasion pour tous de socialiser alors que les collections auront été jugées. (Vous pourrez vous procurer des billets pour la réception à l’accueil.)


Canpex 2020 — du 31 octobre au 1er novembre 2020

CANPEX est l’acronyme de CAnadian National Philatelic EXhibition, inaugurée en 2016. L’exposition est organisée par le Middlesex Stamp Club et tenue par des bénévoles de divers clubs philatéliques du sud de l’Ontario ainsi que des organisations et sociétés philatéliques pertinentes. CANPEX est du nombre des quelques expositions et marchés philatéliques nationaux qui ont lieu annuellement au Canada. Elle est sanctionnée par La SRPC et fait partie de la « World Series of Philately » de l’American Philatelic Society.

Chaque année, elle souligne un évènement important ou un tournant dans l’histoire de la philatélie. Ainsi, London peut être fière de son histoire sportive. Le Livre Guinness des records reconnaît le parc Labatt comme le « plus grand terrain de baseball en exploitation continue au monde »; son histoire remonte à 1877. D’autres équipes sportives se sont taillé une place dans l’histoire, du club de baseball London Tecumsehs au club de hockey London Knights. En outre, la Western Ontario Secondary School Athletic Association (WOSSA) célèbre son 100e anniversaire en 2020. 

Du 31 octobre au 1er novembre 2020

The Hellenic Community Centre

133 Southdale Rd. West

London, Ontario

Samedi de 10 h à 17 h, dimanche de 10 h à 16 h.

Admission et stationnement gratuits, casse-croûte.

Major Richard K. Malott, CD, FRPSL, FSRPC, FCAS, OTB (1927-2020)

Charles Verge m’a transmis ce qui suit à la mémoire de Dick.

Beaucoup parmi vous ont connu Dick Mallot, l’aérophilatéliste canadien le plus proéminent. Il a fait carrière au sein de l’Aviation canadienne et, à sa retraite, a travaillé au Musée canadien de la guerre, où il a joué un rôle important dans la collecte de documents sur les médailles de la Croix de Victoria du Canada.

  1. K. Mallott en 1983

Dick a commencé à faire de la recherche et de la collection sur le courrier aérien canadien dans les années 1950 et a pu interviewer plusieurs pilotes, pionniers des vols postaux. Il a monté des collections remarquables, comme « Canadian Pioneer and Semi-Official Air Mail Flown Covers » et « Canadian Interrupted Covers » qui lui ont valu douze grandes médailles et cinq médailles d’or à des expositions de la Fédération internationale de philatélie (FIP) ainsi que de nombreux prix de sociétés aérophilatéliques canadiennes et américaines.

Il était très engagé dans la philatélie organisée. En plus de servir en tant que commissaire canadien ou juge à plus de 20 expositions philatéliques internationales de la FIP, il a été directeur et directeur administratif de La Société royale de philatélie du Canada, président sortant de la Société canadienne d’aérophilatélie et ancien délégué canadien auprès Commission de la FIP pour l’astrophilatélie. Il est demeuré actif en philatélie jusqu’à très récemment : il été juge à ORAPEX, à Ottawa en 2018, et a siégé au comité organisateur d’ORAPEX 2019. Il a aussi été rédacteur en chef de la première édition de The Air Mails of Canada and Newfoundland et a participé à la sixième édition de The American Air Mail Catalogue.

Il a par ailleurs été élu membre de l’Aerophilatelic Hall of Fame en 1996. Entre autres honneurs philatéliques, il a été reçu fellow de La Société royale de philatélie du Canada (1986) et fellow de la Royal Philatelic Society of London (2005). En 2006, il a reçu le British North America Philatelic Society Life Time Achievement Award. Il a obtenu une épinglette d’or de la Fédération internationale des sociétés aérophilatéliques (FISA) pour « ses services et son dévouement à l’égard de l’aérophilatélie et de l’astrophilatélie » en 2009.

  1. K. Mallott en 2019

Une biographie philatélique détaillée de Dick a été déposée dans le site Web de la Société canadienne d’aérophilatélie au www.aerophilately.ca.

La Postal History Society of Canada (PHSC)

La PHSC est affiliée à La SRPC. Elle est vouée à l’étude de l’histoire postale du Canda et des premières colonies d’Amérique du Nord. Elle a été fondée en 1972 en tant que Postal History Society of Ontario et son nom a été changé en juin 1977 pour témoigner de l’élargissement de son champ d’étude et de son envergure. Il s’agit d’une société à but non lucratif constituée d’étudiants en histoire postale de tous niveaux et de toute expérience. Elle fait la promotion de la communication et de la dissémination de l’information parmi ses membres et en compte actuellement environ 410 au Canada, aux États-Unis et de par le monde. Plus de 300 personnes sont inscrites sur son site, qui est

Garfield Portch — Introduction à l’expertise philatélique

Un cours de deux jours que Garfield Portch donnera pour l’American Philatelic Society

Le lundi 22 et le mardi 23 juin 2020

Garfield Portch est président de la Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation et agit à titre d’expert au sein de son comité d’experts.

Il est actif en philatélie depuis plus de 50 ans et membre de plusieurs sociétés philatéliques : Société royale de philatélie du Canada (fellow), British North America Philatelic Society (membre émérite), Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain, American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors, Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada et le West Toronto Stamp Club.

Garfield est un exposant philatélique accompli. Il a gagné des médailles d’or à diverses expositions de timbres Petite reine du Canada (1870 à 1897) et pour l’histoire postale de Toronto de 1793 à 1901. Il a aussi grandement participé à l’organisation de plusieurs expositions philatéliques, dont STAMPEX 2003, 2004, 2005, Ameristamp Expo 2006, ROYAL * 2007* ROYALE et récemment, ROYAL * 2019 * ROYALE.

CAPEX 2022

Le Canada sera l’hôte d’une exposition internationale de quatre jours – Capex 22 – dans la région du Grand Toronto en juin 2022. Le lieu et les dates n’ont pas encore été déterminés, mais une chose est sûre, Capex 22 comportera deux classes dont 400 collections d’un cadre et une sur la littérature philatélique. L’exposition est organisée par la Canadian Association of Philatelic Exhibitions et sera tenue par La Société royale de philatélie du Canada sous les auspices de la Federación Interamericana de Filatelia (FIAF).

S’il vous plaît, devenez bénévoles et aidez La SRPC

Dans chaque numéro, je fais le même appel. Nous aimons tous notre loisir et y consacrons tout le temps que nous pouvons, et ce, de bien des façons. Je demande à ceux qui ne sont affiliés à aucun club de se joindre à un club local et à La SRPC. Je lance aussi un appel aux membres de La SRPC afin qu’ils nous aident de toutes les façons possibles. Sans bénévoles, votre société et votre loisir ne peuvent prospérer.



Edwin G. Kroft, Q.C.


President Ed’s Message

By Edwin G. Kroft, Q.C.

“COVID 19- Coronavirus 

All of you have read reports about this virus and its impact around the world. Some of you may be reluctant to attend stamp shows and stamp club events in light of your concerns. I wish safety and good health to all of you wherever you are. The Board of the RPSC has been discussing this topic through emails and will be discussing this topic at our March 30 board teleconference call. We have been reaching out to stamp shows to see about their plans and precautions and hope that you may hear from them further.  At this time, the plan of the Fredericton District Stamp Club is to continue on with hosting Royal 2020. Please see details on rpscroyal.com

2019 RPSC Geldert Medal Recipient – Larry Margetish of Victoria

The Geldert Committee of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC) may award the Geldert Medal annually for the best article published in The Canadian Philatelist.

I am pleased to advise that the Geldert Committee selected the article “The Story behind Canada’s 12c Parliament Stamp” ( Volume 70, #2,  Mar-Apr 2019 )as the 2019 article most worthy of the Geldert Medal. Congratulations to Larry Margetish of Victoria . The Committee praised the article for its polished writing, original and detailed research , its interesting story with appropriate material illustrated on an important definitive Elizabethan stamp and generally its outstanding contribution to the Canadian traditional philatelic literature.

The Geldert Medal was established in 1967 by Phyllis Geldert in memory of her husband Dr. George M. “Mac” Geldert, FRPSC and RPSC president (1958-1967). A notable stamp collector herself, Mrs. Geldert was prominent in many facets of RPSC work, including a directorship from 1967 to 1978. She also served as executive director for three years. She was elected as a Fellow (FRPSC) of the Royal in1968. Mrs. Geldert died on August 23, 2000.

The members of the Committee consist of me, Kevin O’Reilly FRPSC and George Pepall FRPSC . Long time member Charles Verge stepped down in 2019 and the RPSC thanks him for his service.

The medal will be awarded at the 2020 AGM of the RPSC in Fredericton in June .  A press release will also be issued regarding the achievement.

RPSC Board Activities

Our next meeting of the Board will be held on March 30, 2020 by teleconference . The Board and other dedicated volunteers discussed a variety of topics dealing with the operation of the RPSC. Once approved, minutes of Board meetings are posted on the RPSC website. http://www.rpsc.org. There will also be a Board meeting held in June 2020. The RPSC is in need of filling its Treasurer position once the very capable Stuart Keeley steps down in early 2021. Please contact me if you are interested in volunteering or know of any others who could capably do so.

RPSC Strategic Plan and Application for Charitable Status

The Board continues to discuss the implementation of the strategic plan as the Canada Revenue Agency continues to consider the application of the RPSC for charitable status under the Canadian Income Tax Act.

Royal 2020 Royale -June 19 – 21, 2020Fredericton, New Brunswick

Make your reservations now before the space disappears!

Fredericton Inn

1315, rue Regent St.

Fredericton, NB

For information please contact Rob Lunn (506) 460-2159

I am advised by Rob Lunn, chair of the show, that planning for the show is going very well.  All dealer tables are spoken for, some great offers of sponsorship have been made and the exhibit applications have been coming in steadily .

RPSC Volunteer Recognition Programme- Keep the nominations coming!

Last year the RPSC recognized 22 individuals from across Canada and their contributions to our hobby. We have received some nominations but we are looking for more! Please provide us with your nominations so we can increase the number of recognized volunteers at the June 2020 AGM in Fredericton.

The Future of Philately- Robert Zeigler-President of the American Philatelic Society

The February 2020 issue of the American Philatelist contains a very thoughtful piece about the “pluses and minuses concerning the future of philately”. The article makes observations about the composition of collectors and the increasing diversity in the hobby. The article also comments that the future of stamp collecting and postal history is bright because of computer technology and the potential of our hobby to welcome different people.

Members of the RPSC Seem to be Everywhere

I enjoy running into and chatting with stamp collectors wherever I am . In early February I was judging at the Sarasota national stamp exhibition ( an excellent show)and was pleased to see Roy Houtby , the dealer from St Catherines and other RPSC collectors and exhibitors such as Bob Carswell, Jack Forbes, Robin Moore and Stuart Reddington. Later in February I was at the Toronto Postcard show (an excellent show) and ran into at least 40 fellow stamp collectors and members of the RPSC. The same day, miles away in downtown Toronto, I saw other RPSC members at St Lawrence Market looking for ephemera and philatelic treasures.

Orapex 2020 May 2-3 2020

ORAPEX is the Ottawa RA Centre Philatelic Exhibition. 2020 will mark the 59th edition of this show, which is managed by volunteers drawn from the RA Stamp Club, the Amicale des philatélistes de l’Outaouais, the Ottawa Philatelic Society and related philatelic societies and organizations. ORAPEX is one of only a few national-level stamp shows held annually in Canada and is part of the American Philatelic Society’s “World Series of Philately.”

RA Centre

2451 Riverside Dr.

Ottawa, Ontario

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-4

Free admission and parking.

Each year, ORAPEX has a theme. For the 2020 show, the theme will be Topicals, Thematics and illustrated Mail.

ORAPEX boasts about 40 stamp dealers in its bourse and runs an impressive series of society meetings, seminars and study groups. Bring your children to the Youth Booth to get them started on collecting! The show’s awards reception is a highlight of the weekend and a great chance for everyone to socialize after the exhibits have been judged. (Awards Reception tickets will be available at the Welcome Booth at the show.)

Canpex 2020-October 31-November 1, 2020

CANPEX is the acronym for CAnadian National Philatelic EXhibition, the first of which was in 2016. It is hosted by the Middlesex Stamp Club and is managed by volunteers from various stamp clubs in Southern Ontario and related philatelic organizations and societies. CANPEX is one of a few National Level exhibitions and stamp marketplaces held annually in Canada. It is sanctioned by the RPSC and is part of the American Philatelic Society “World Series of Philately”.

Each year CANPEX recognizes a significant event or milestone in the history of the area. London has a proud sports history. The Guinness Book of World Records recognizes Labatt Park in London as the “oldest continually operating baseball grounds in the world”, with a history dating back to 1877. Other sports teams have achieved their place in history, from the London Tecumsehs baseball club to the London Knights hockey. The Western Ontario Secondary School Athletic Association (WOSSA) celebrates it’s 100th anniversary in 2020.

October 31 – November 1, 2020

The Hellenic Community Centre

133 Southdale Rd. West

London, Ontario

Saturday 10-5, Sunday 10-4

Free Admission, free parking, lunch counter.

Major Richard K. Malott, CD, FRPSL, FRPSC, FCAS, OTB (1927-2020)

Charles Verge provided me with the following with respect to Dick.

Many of you will have known Dick Malott Canada’s foremost Canadian aerophilatelist. He made his career in the Canadian Air Force and, upon retirement, worked for the Canadian War Museum where he was instrumental in collecting and documenting Canada’s Victoria Cross medals.

Malott in 1983

Dick began collecting and researching Canadian air mails in the 1950s and was able to interview several of the pilots who had made the pioneer flights. He developed outstanding collections of “Canadian Pioneer and Semi-Official Air Mail Flown Covers“, and of “Canadian Interrupted Covers“, which won 12 large and five gold medals at FIP shows, and many Canadian and American Air Mail Society awards.

Dick was very involved in organized philately. As well as serving as a Canadian Commissioner or judge at over 20 FIP international stamp shows, he was a former Director and Executive Director of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada; a Past President of the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society; and the former Canadian Delegate to the F.I.P. Commission for Astrophilately. He remained active in philately until very recently: he was a judge at ORAPEX in Ottawa in 2018, and on the organizing committee of ORAPEX in 2019. Dick was also the Editor-in-Chief for the First Edition of The Air Mails of Canada and Newfoundland – part of the 6th edition of The American Air Mail Catalogue.

Dick was elected a member of the Aerophilatelic Hall of Fame in 1996. Among his other philatelic awards, he was a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (1986) and a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society of London (2005). In 2006, he received the British North America Philatelic Society Life Time Achievement Award. He was presented with a F.I.S.A. Gold Pin “for his service and devotion to Aero- and Astrophilately” in 2009.

A detailed philatelic biography of Dick has been posted on The Canadian Aerophilatelic Society’s website at www.aerophilately.ca

The Postal History Society of Canada (PHSC)

The PHSC is an affiliate of the RPSC. It is devoted to the study of the postal history of Canada and the early North American colonies. Originally founded in 1972 as the Postal History Society of Ontario, our name was changed in June 1977, reflecting the expanded nature and scope of the Society. It is a non-profit society whose members are students of postal history at all levels of experience, and it promotes communication and the dissemination of information among members. At present, there are about 410 members in Canada, the United States and throughout the world. More than 300 members are registered at this site and many use it regularly. Watch for details about its annual symposium to be held in July .

London 2020 FIP Specialized World Stamp Championship Exhibition

Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, Islington. London N1 0OH, UNITED KINGDOMMay 2 to May 9, 2020

London 2020 is a FIP Specialized World Stamp Championship Exhibition with competitive classes in Championship, Traditional, Postal History, Thematic, Revenue, Postal Stationery, Aerophilately, Open, Picture Postcards, One Frame, Modern, Literature and Youth. The exhibition will run from May 2 to May 9, 2020 with a full change of exhibits during the evening of May 5th allowing a total of 3400 frames to be exhibited. I am proud to serve as Canadian Commissioner and to advise that 22 Competitive Exhibits and 14 Literature exhibits of Canadian exhibitors were accepted .

Garfield Portch -Introduction to Forensic Philately

A 2-Day Course Presented by Garfield Portch For the American Philatelic Society

Monday, June 22 – Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Garfield Portch is the Chairman of the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation and serves as the forensic examiner on the VGG Expert Committee.

He has been an active philatelist for 50+ years and is a member of several societies including: The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (Fellow); British North America Philatelic Society (Emeritus); Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain; American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors; Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada and the West Toronto Stamp Club.

Garfield is an accomplished philatelic exhibitor, has earned Gold medals for various exhibits of the Small Queens of Canada (1870 to 1897) and for postal history in Toronto between 1793 and 1901. He has also been heavily involved in the management of several stamp shows, including STAMPEX 2003, 2004, 2005; Ameristamp Expo 2006; ROYAL * 2007* ROYALE and, most recently ROYAL * 2019 * ROYALE.

CAPEX 2022

Canada will host a four-day international exhibition – Capex 22 – in the Greater Toronto Area in June 2022. The specific location and dates are to be decided; however, what’s certain is Capex 22 will be a two-class exhibition with 400 single-frame exhibits plus a philatelic literature class. The exhibition is being organized by the Canadian Association of Philatelic Exhibitions and hosted by the RPSC under the patronage of FIAF.

Please Volunteer and Help the RPSC

In every issue, I make the same plea. We all love our hobby and dedicate as much time as we can to it in many ways. I am asking you those of you who are unaffiliated with a local club to join a club and the RPSC . To RPSC members, I appeal for your help in any way you can. Without volunteers your Society and the hobby cannot prosper .

Best Regards


Edwin G. Kroft, Q.C.



Message du président

Par Ed Kroft,

Président RPSC

Bonjour à tous! J’espère que vous et vos proches avez passé le temps des fêtes dans la joie et en pleine forme; voilà donc ce que je vous souhaite pour la nouvelle année, joie et santé. Le temps des fêtes est un moment de choix pour nous amuser à pratiquer notre passe-temps préféré et peut-être nous lancer dans un nouveau domaine de collection ou dépoussiérer ceux que nous avons laissés de côté. Dernièrement, je me suis mis à collectionner des cartes postales ayant un lien avec les domaines de collections et d’exposition de timbres qui me plaisent. Je les utilise lorsque j’assemble une collection que je veux exposer afin d’étoffer le récit.


Technologie et collection de timbres – raviver notre passe-temps

En septembre 2019, j’ai eu le plaisir de lire un article intéressant de la BBC News intitulé,

« Tech-savvy stamp collectors energise an old hobby » (Des philatélistes branchés énergisent un ancien passe-temps). L’article parle d’Anita Lo, une collectionneuse de 26 ans et dit ce qui suit : « Sans surprise, en tant que nouvelle collectionneuse, Anita a adopté une approche numérique pour son nouveau passe-temps. Elle affiche ses collections sur Instagram et sur WhatsApp et consulte un catalogue en ligne pour chercher des timbres selon les prix ou les pays au lieu de s’en remettre à la copie papier traditionnelle offerte dans les encans. Toutefois, son passe-temps au cachet vieillot a fait sourciller ses pairs et elle avoue que la réputation de « timbré » qu’on y attache lui inspire parfois des sentiments contradictoires.


Anita déclare « Je m’intéresse à ce passe-temps et je l’aime, mais je ne vais pas aux grands salons et je ne me joindrais jamais à un club ou à une société; j’ai le sentiment qu’on y trouve plein de gens de l’âge de mes parents, un peu accros, et je ne veux pas être perçue de cette façon. Parce que je ne connais personne de mon âge qui le pratique, c’est un passe-temps auquel je m’adonne principalement seule ».


Très éclairant pour ceux d’entre nous qui tentent d’atteindre de jeunes collectionneurs.


L’article parle également de Graham Beck et de son canal YouTube, Exploring Stamps, qui nous informe que : « À ce jour, il a téléchargé 70 vidéos où on le voit choisir un timbre au hasard et parler de l’histoire qui se cache derrière lui; son périple l’a mené vers un volcan en Islande, les trois statues de la liberté, à New York, à Paris et à Las Vegas. Pour ce natif d’Afrique du Sud vivant maintenant à New York, c’est l’histoire derrière le timbre qui interpelle la nouvelle race de philatélistes (on appelle ainsi les collectionneurs de timbres) plutôt que les types particuliers de papier et les styles d’impressions qui font souvent l’enthousiasme de ceux de la vieille école ». Allez voir ses vidéos sur YouTube!


John Lennon, Freddie Mercury et la collection de timbres


J’ai visité le musée de la philatélie du Smithsonian en juin dernier et l’album de timbres de John Lennon y était exposé. J’ai pris quelques photos pour vous offrir le plaisir de les regarder. J’ai aussi appris que Freddie Mercury, le chanteur principal du groupe Queen, qui était un collectionneur passionné dans son enfance, a confié son album aux bons soins de son père lorsqu’il est parti étudier au collège des arts. J’ai lu que son album était l’un des rares effets personnels qui n’ont pas été brûlés à sa mort (conformément à sa fois zoroastrienne) et qu’il serait maintenant la propriété du London’s National Postal Museum & Archive. Savez-vous si d’autres albums ayant appartenu à des personnages célèbres sont exposés quelque part?


Séminaires de La SRPC sur la collection de timbres


Nos membres aiment toujours assister à un séminaire sur des aspects de la philatélie. La Société royale de philatélie du Canada (SRPC) invite des volontaires à monter une présentation PowerPoint pour la projeter dans les clubs et aux expositions philatéliques. À la fin de septembre 2019, j’ai donné une présentation à Vanpex sur l’utilisation d’une page de titre et d’un résumé lorsque nous exposons nos collections de timbres. Je suis certain que bon nombre d’entre vous seraient intéressés par des sujets, comme la planification successorale pour vos collections. Y a-t-il des volontaires? D’autres sujets? S’il vous plaît, dites-le-moi!


Activités du conseil d’administration de La SRPC


Notre plus récente réunion du conseil d’administration a eu lieu le 24 novembre 2019 par téléconférence. Le conseil et d’autres bénévoles dévoués ont discuté d’une variété de sujets relatifs au fonctionnement de La SRPC. Une fois approuvés, les procès-verbaux des réunions sont affichés dans le site Web de La SRPC, www.rpsc.org. La prochaine réunion du conseil est prévue en février 2020.


Information et articles pour l’infolettre de La SRPC incluant la liste et les nouvelles des sections de clubs


Je suis heureux que beaucoup parmi vous m’aient déclaré, ainsi qu’à d’autres membres du conseil, qu’ils aiment recevoir l’infolettre de La SRPC. Nous nous efforçons toujours d’attirer de nouveaux membres à La SRPC et de nouveaux collectionneurs à notre loisir. Si vous désirez écrire un article pour l’infolettre de La SRPC, veuillez prendre contact avec moi ou avec Mike Walsh : mwalsh@vaxxine.com


Le philatéliste canadien publie une liste des sections de clubs tous les deux mois. La SRPC souhaite voir davantage de collectionneurs assister aux réunions des sections de clubs. Nous espérons que l’infolettre sera utile à cet égard et qu’elle comportera les renseignements nécessaires sur les réunions, y compris les noms des conférenciers et les lieux de réunions.


Meilleurs vœux pour 2020


Amusez-vous bien dans les prochains mois. Il y aura des expositions philatéliques locales, régionales et nationales partout au Canada, une exposition internationale à Londres et la Royale, en juin, à Fredericton.


Je vous souhaite, de même qu’à vos êtres chers, un joyeux temps des fêtes, la santé, une nouvelle année heureuse et toutes les bonnes choses à venir.











President’s Message


By Ed Kroft,

President, RPSC

Hi everyone. I hope that you and your loved ones enjoyed a healthy and happy holiday season and wish you a happy and healthy new year. This is a great time of year for all of us to enjoy our hobby and to perhaps turn to starting a new area of collecting or dusting off ones we have not turned to for some time.

I have recently turned to collecting postcards that relate to those areas of stamp collecting and exhibiting that I enjoy. I am using them in an exhibit I am putting together to assist in telling the relevant story.


Technology and Stamp Collecting -­­­ Reviving the Hobby

I was pleased to read an engaging article in September 2019 on BBC News entitled

“Tech-savvy stamp collectors energise an old hobby”. The article speaks about Anita Lo, a 26-year old collector. The article says the following: “Not surprisingly, as a younger collector, Anita takes a digital approach to her hobby. She shares her collection on Instagram and WhatsApp and uses an online catalogue to search for items by price or country, instead of the hard copies traditionally taken to auctions. However, with its fusty image, her hobby has raised eyebrows amongst her peer group and she admits its “geeky” reputation can leave her feeling conflicted.


Anita states, “It’s my interest and I do enjoy it but I don’t go to the big trade shows and would never join a club or society; my perception is that they are mainly full of people my parents’ age, are a bit nerdy and I don’t want to be viewed that way. Because I don’t know anyone else my age doing this, it’s a hobby that I do very much alone.”


Very insightful for those of us trying to reach younger collectors.


The article also speaks about Graham Beck and his You Tube channel, Exploring Stamps. It states: “To date, he has uploaded 70 videos which see him select a stamp at random and explore the history behind it, a journey that has taken him to an Icelandic volcano and the three Statues of Liberty in New York, Paris and Las Vegas. The South African native, now based in New York, says it is the story behind the stamp that is resonating with the new breed of philatelists (as stamp collectors are known) rather than particular paper types and printing styles which often enthuse the old-school collector.” Check out his videos on You Tube!


John Lennon, Freddie Mercury and Stamp Collecting


I visited the Smithsonian Philatelic Museum last June and saw John Lennon’s stamp album on display. I took some photos for your viewing pleasure. I also just learned that Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen, was an avid collector in childhood, entrusting his album to his father when he went off to art college. I read that his album was one of his few personal effects not burnt (in line with his Zoroastrian belief) on his death, and apparently is now owned by London’s National Postal Museum & Archive. Do you know of other stamp albums of famous personalities that are on display?


RPSC Seminars on Stamp Collecting


Our members always enjoy attending a seminar on some aspects of stamp collecting. The RPSC encourages volunteers to put together a PowerPoint presentation to show at clubs and stamp shows. I gave a presentation at Vanpex in late September 2019 on the use of a title page and synopsis in stamp exhibiting. I am sure many of you would be interested in such topics as estate planning for your collections. Any volunteers? Any other topics? Please let me know.


RPSC Board Activities


Our most recent meeting of the Board was held on November 24, 2019 by teleconference. The Board and other dedicated volunteers discussed a variety of topics dealing with the operation of The RPSC. Once approved, minutes of Board meetings are posted on The RPSC website, https://www.rpsc.org. The next Board meeting is expected to be in February 2020.


Information and Articles for The RPSC Newsletter including Chapter Listings and Chapter News


I am gratified that many of you have expressed to me and other board members that they are pleased to receive the electronic newsletter from the RPSC. We are always looking to attract new members to the RPSC and new collectors to the hobby. If you wish to write a piece on stamp collecting for the RPSC Newsletter, please contact me or Mike Walsh: mwalsh@vaxxine.com


The Canadian Philatelist contains listings of chapters every two months. The RPSC is interested in seeing more collectors attend RPSC chapter meetings. We hope that the newsletter will assist in this regard and will contain details of upcoming chapter meetings, including the names of speakers and locations.


Best Wishes For 2020


Enjoy the months to come. There will be local, regional and national stamp shows across Canada, an international stamp exhibition in London, and The Royal in June in Fredericton.


May you and your loved ones enjoy a healthy and happy holiday season and new year and all good things to come.


Best regards



Regard sur Royal*2019*Royal : 21-23 juin 2019, Mississauga, Ontario

Rapport du président,

Par Ed Kroft

L’exposition de Mississauga a été très réussie. Je tiens à remercier le Bramalea Stamp Club, le West Toronto Stamp Club et Canadian Stamp News d’avoir tenu Royal*2019*Royale au Hilton de Mississauga. La Royale de cette année comportait deux thèmes.

Servir en tant que président dans le cadre du 60e anniversaire de la désignation ROYALE accordée à la Canadian Philatelic Association par Sa Majesté, la reine Elizabeth II est un honneur. Le second thème « C’est votre Royale » rend à juste titre hommage à tous les membres de La Société royale de philatélie du Canada (SRPC) et au rôle important que chacun joue pour l’enrichissement de notre loisir pour les collectionneurs de tous âges et de tous niveaux. C’est l’un des thèmes que j’ai abordés à l’assemblée générale annuelle du 22 juin 2019.

Je remercie également Joe Trauzzi, Rod Paige, Stewart Keeley, Mike Walsh et bien d’autres, y compris les marchands, les bénévoles, les conférenciers, le conseil d’administration de La SRPC, Robin Harris, notre webmaître, les fellows de La SRPC ainsi que d’autres qui ont fait de cet évènement un succès mémorable. J’ai été heureux de rencontrer un fellow chevronné de La SRPC, Michael Madesker, qui a assisté aux trois jours d’exposition et qui y a aussi exposé ses collections. Bonne santé et meilleurs vœux, Michael!

Nous avons également pu exprimer nos meilleurs vœux et bien des remerciements à Margaret Schulzke, qui a été extrêmement utile à La SRPC pendant tant d’années. Nous lui souhaitons tous une bonne retraite! Merci à vous tous qui m’avez parlé de certains aspects de La SRPC et qui m’avez donné des idées d’amélioration. S’il vous plaît, continuez d’exprimer vos idées!

Nouveau Programme de reconnaissance des bénévoles – continuez à suggérer des candidatures!

À l’AGA, nous avons reconnu 22 personnes de partout au Canada pour leur contribution à notre loisir. S’il vous plaît, continuez à nous faire parvenir vos candidatures afin que nous puissions augmenter le nombre de bénévoles reconnus à la réunion de l’année prochaine, à Fredericton, au Nouveau-Brunswick.

Activités du conseil d’administration de La SRPC

La plus récente réunion du conseil d’administration a eu lieu le 22 juin 2019, en personne et par téléconférence. Le conseil et d’autres bénévoles dévoués ont discuté d’une variété de sujets, notamment, de divers aspects du plan stratégique. Une fois approuvés, les procès-verbaux des réunions sont affichés dans le site Web de La Société, www.rpsc.org. La prochaine réunion du conseil est prévue à la fin de septembre 2019.

Le philatéliste canadien est à la recherche d’articles  

Voulez-vous transmettre vos connaissances philatéliques à d’autres? S’il vous plaît, songez à prendre un peu de votre temps pour écrire un article informatif ou érudit pour la publication phare de La SRPC, Le philatéliste canadien, également appelée Le philatéliste. Veuillez prendre contact avec notre nouveau rédacteur en chef, Robin Harris, ou avec un membre de notre talentueux comité de rédaction : Gray Scrimgeour, Richard Gratton, Rob Timberg et François Brisse. Nous invitons ceux qui aimeraient soumettre un ou des articles pour publication à s’adresser à Robin à editor@rpsc.org.

Si vous désirez écrire un article pour l’infolettre de La SRPC, veuillez prendre contact avec moi par courriel, à l’adresse indiquée plus bas, ou avec Mike Walsh à l’adresse électronique suivante – mwalsh@vaxxine.com

Nous souhaitons également publier des articles ayant déjà paru dans l’infolettre des clubs locaux. Nous vous invitons à communiquer vos connaissances à d’autres collectionneurs.

Activités des sections de clubs – que se passe-t-il à vos réunions?

De nombreuses sections de clubs sont affiliées à La SRPC. Je sais que les collectionneurs aiment assister aux réunions et profiter de la camaraderie qui règne entre les gens qui ont des intérêts communs. En mai 2018, j’ai lu un article très intéressant dans Linn’s Stamp News sur les activités des clubs.

Voici une liste d’activités (que j’ai modifiée) parue dans cet article et que vous aimeriez peut-être adopter, si elles ne sont pas déjà dans la vôtre : livres des circuits de vente, présentation de diapositives, encans, collections démontées pour en vendre le contenu aux membres, voyages en autocar à des expositions philatéliques, infolettres de club, achat, vente, échange, échange de livres, de vieux catalogues et d’articles, fêtes célébrées au club, exposition de collections au club et pour l’admission à d’autres expositions, présentations formelles, conférences données par un invité, organisation d’expositions philatéliques, présentation de l’histoire postale à divers évènements non philatéliques, représentants de marchands aux réunions, soirées de méli-mélo philatélique, tombola, séances d’expression libre, notamment sur nos articles favoris et nos achats récents, réunions portant sur un thème et ateliers sur divers aspects de la philatélie. Communiquez-nous d’autres idées que je n’ai pas mises dans cette liste!

S’il vous plaît, devenez bénévoles et aidez La SRPC

Dans chaque numéro, je fais le même appel. Nous aimons tous notre loisir et y consacrons tout le temps que nous pouvons, et ce, de bien des façons. Je demande à ceux qui ne sont affiliés à aucun club de se joindre à un club local et à La SRPC. Je lance également un appel aux membres de La SRPC afin qu’ils nous aident de toutes les façons possibles. Sans bénévoles, votre société et votre loisir ne peuvent prospérer.



Calgary club tops 2019 CSN Cover Contest

After a month of voting, the second annual CSN Cover Contest has come to a close with the Calgary Philatelic Society (CPS) taking top honours in the club category.

One of seven clubs to mail a cover to CSN to mark October’s National Stamp Collecting Month, the CPS was announced as the winner on Nov. 1. The club’s cover, which earned 112 votes, celebrates National Stamp Collecting Month alongside the club’s annual fall show – Caltapex – which is also held in October.

“The CPS is proud and happy to have won the contest,” says CPS member and cover designer Dave Bartlet.

“All hobbies these days often need to promote what they do as there is a lot of competition for the attention of people in the market.”

Inspired by the Calgary Zoo’s ongoing panda exhibit, CPS members decided to frank their cover with a customized Picture Postage stamp. After voting at the club’s monthly meeting this September, members chose one photograph for the stamp while two runners-up were chosen for the cachet.

“We felt the theme of pandas for the show was something that is attractive to all generations, young collectors and older collectors alike,” adds Bartlet.

The cover’s stamp is also cancelled by an “Airways RPO” postmark dated Sept. 23, 2019.

For taking the top spot in the club category, the CPS wins $100 from CSN.

“We were late in the game to create our cover this year since our show was not until the third week of October, but seeing your promotion in the electronic Canadian Stamp News and remembering last year when Kathy Hartley (librarian of the Harry Sutherland Philatelic Library) asked why we didn’t do an entry got me to rush this into production,” adds Bartlet, who aimed to create “a cover that put out the right message for the month in combination with our show.”

“We will be more aware to do something similar next year for the promotion. It is the local clubs that are the grassroots and need to do the footwork for Stamp Collecting Month.”



The second-place prize – worth $50 – was won by the Waterloo Region Stamp Club, whose cover earned 61 votes in the club category.

It’s franked by Canada Post’s 2019 West Montrose Covered Bridge stamp. To the left, the cover depicts an old colour postcard featuring St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church on 54 Queen St. N., in nearby Kitchener, Ont.

The club’s logo is also shown at the top of the cover, which includes a Waterloo Post Office postmark dated Sept. 25, 2019.



The third-place prize, which is worth $25, went to the Kelowna and District Stamp Club, whose cover earned 52 votes in the club category.

It includes a new “stamp-on-a-stamp” version of the club’s Ogopogo-themed Picture Postage stamp. The original Ogopogo stamp was franked on the club’s submission in last year’s inaugural CSN Cover Contest, which it won.

On this year’s cover, the stamp is cancelled with a Sept. 17, 2019-dated Ogopogo postmark from Kelowna, B.C.’s Town Centre Post Office. The commemorative cancel, which is also dated Sept. 17, references National Stamp Collecting Month and covers the image of the “stamp-on-a-stamp” version.

The cover’s cachet also includes an image of the 2019 “stamp-on-a-stamp” version alongside the club’s first Ogopogo stamp, which was printed 29 years ago.


In the individual category, Toronto’s Harvey Shuter won the first-place prize and takes home $50.

Shuter’s cover celebrates National Stamp Collecting Month by encouraging people to not only collect stamps but also join a stamp club – both noble endeavours also endorsed by CSN.

The cover is franked with a customized Picture Postage stamp featuring a local post office. It’s cancelled by a Stamp Collecting Month postmark dated Oct. 1, 2019, while a stylized stamp design is featured to the left of the cachet.


Details for the third annual CSN Cover Contest will be announced in January 2020.

For more information, visit canadianstampnews.com/2019covercontest.

Management changes at Toronto’s Greene Foundation

The Toronto-based Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation announced the retirement of its long-time chairman and president Ted Nixon, plus the election of a new executive, effective Oct. 30.

Ted Nixon has been at the helm of the Greene Foundation since the passing of Harry Sutherland in 2006. He joined the board of directors on April 28, 1998, and served as vice-chair from 2002-06. Over the years, he has also served as treasurer and secretary.

“During his tenure, the Greene Foundation has become a world-class organization which has expanded its outreach to Canada and the world, built an exceptional British North America philatelic library and introduced technology and mechanization to both the library and the expert committee,” said Charles Verge, the Greene Foundation’s longest-serving director.

A Fellow of The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC), Nixon was appointed as chairman emeritus by the Greene Foundation’s board of directors this October. He’s only the second person to hold this position since the foundation was formed in 1975.

Nixon will also continue in his role as chairman of the expert committee.

He will update and streamline the committee’s processes so it can better serve its collector and dealer clients,” reads a statement issued by the Greene Foundation on Oct. 31.

“Additionally, it is planned that the expert committee will make public some of its important findings and work closely with catalogue editors to adjust catalogue listings based on the committee’s discoveries.”


On Oct. 30, the Greene Foundation’s board of directors met to elect a new executive, whose members include:

  • Chair and President Garfield Portch, who’s a Fellow of The RPSC;
  • Vice-Chair and Vice-President Charles Verge, who’s a Fellow of The RPSC and Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL); and
  • Corporate Secretary and Treasurer Ingo Nessel, who’s also the current president of the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada and a Fellow of both The RPSC and RPSL.

“The board feels that the time has come for the Greene Foundation to have a more formal structure that will allow us to better plan the long-term growth and future of the Greene Foundation,” said Portch.

This October, the board also appointed Lee Ann Stewart as recording secretary and executive assistant and reappointed Sheila Moll as chief librarian.

The Greene Foundation’s primary mandates are providing expert services, maintaining a comprehensive library and archives and publishing monographs and studies on British North American philately. It also shares the common responsibility of promoting the hobby with the rest of the philatelic community.

Looking back at Royal *2019* Royale

RPSC President’s Message

By Ed Kroft

The show in Mississauga was very successful. I Wish to extend thanks to the Bramalea Stamp Club, West Toronto Stamp Club and Canadian Stamp News for hosting Royal *2019* Royale at the Hilton Mississauga.

This year’s Royal had two special themes. It is an honour to serve as President for the 60th Anniversary of the Canadian Philatelic Association receiving its ROYAL designation from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The second theme, ‘It’s Your Royal,’ appropriately paid tribute to all members of the RPSC and the important role that everyone plays in enhancing our hobby for collectors of all ages and levels. This was one of the themes that I spoke of at the AGM on June 22, 2019. I wish to extend my thanks to Joe Trauzzi, Rod Paige, Stewart Keeley, Mike Walsh and many others, including the dealers, volunteers, speakers, the board of the RPSC, Robin Harris our editor and webmaster, the Fellows of the RPSC, and others who made this event successful and memorable.

I was pleased to see and visit with the senior Fellow of the RPSC, Michael Madesker, who attended all three days of the show and exhibited as well. Good health and best wishes Michael! We all were also able to extend best wishes and many thanks to Margaret Schulzke who was so valuable to us at the RPSC for so many years. We all wish her well in retirement! Thanks to all of you who talked to me at the show about aspects of the RPSC and who provided ideas as to how to improve things . Please keep all your ideas coming!

New Volunteer Recognition Programme- Keep the nominations coming!

At the AGM, we recognize 22 individuals from across Canada and their contributions to our hobby. Please keep your nominations coming in so we can increase the number of recognized volunteers at next years AGM in Fredericton.

RPSC Board Activities

Our most recent meeting of the Board was held on June 22, 2019 in person and by teleconference . The Board and other dedicated volunteers discussed a variety of topics, including various aspects of the strategic plan. Once approved, minutes of Board meetings are posted on the RPSC website. http://www.rpsc.org. The next Board meeting is expected to be in late September 2019.

Articles Are Needed for The Canadian Philatelist

Do you wish to share your knowledge of philately with others? Please consider taking your time to write an informative and scholarly piece for the RPSC’s flagship publication, the Canadian Philatelist , also known as TCP. Please contact our new editor , Robin Harris, or a member of our talented editorial board: Gray Scrimgeour, Richard Gratton , Rob Timberg and Francois Brisse. Those wishing to submit articles for publication are encouraged to contact Robin at editor@rpsc.org.

If you wish to write a piece on stamp collecting for the RPSC Newsletter, please contact me at the email address below or Mike Walsh – mwalsh@vaxxine.com

We are also interested in printing articles that have already appeared in the newsletters of local clubs. Please share your knowledge with your fellow collectors.

Chapter Activities -What Happens at Your Meetings?

Many chapters are affiliates of the RPSC. I know that Collectors enjoy attending meetings and the camaraderie of spending time with like-minded people. In May 2018, I read a very interesting article in Linn’s magazine about stamp club activities . The following is a list of activities(with my modifications )shown in that article which you might wish to adopt, assuming these are not already on your list: sales circuit books, slide shows, auctions, breaking down collections for sales to members, bus trips to stamp shows, club newsletter, buying/selling and trading, exchanges of books, old catalogues and articles , club holiday parties, club exhibits within the club and for entry into shows, formal presentations, guest speakers, host stamp shows, local display of postal history at non-Philatelic events, dealer representative at meetings, philatelic trivia night, raffles, show and tell sessions, favourite item and recent purchases show and tell, themed meetings, and workshops on aspects of philately. Share others that I may not have listed!

Please Volunteer and Help the RPSC

In every issue, I make the same plea. We all love our hobby and dedicate as much time as we can to it in many ways. I am asking you those of you who are unaffiliated with a local club to join a club and the RPSC . To RPSC members, I appeal for your help in any way you can. Without volunteers your Society and the hobby cannot prosper .

Best Regards


Adventures in Philately

By Phil Visser

After inheriting my father’s collection, I knew the areas we had worked on to further the Dutch collection. The years following his death were busy with child rearing and so the collection rested with some limited organizing when time permitted. On my return to active stamp collecting, I also ventured into the world of eBay, with the mission to fill in the holes.

We had worked on finding perforation varieties and while many issues were already present, it was the back of the book that was particularly vacant. Through the eBay portal I purchased collection/pages of early stamps to fill in the areas of interest. It was through those purchases that “extras” came into my stockpile. One of those purchases had this particular stamp and cancel in it. I set it aside because the place name was unusual, and it was simply a nice cancel. It was several years later that cancellations became a focus of my Dutch collection. This is when a tale on how philately came into my sphere of interest.

This particular cancel is called the “small round cancel.” The cancel itself is about 21 mm in diameter and fits nicely on the stamp that it was supposed to obliterate. That last point is what makes collecting this cancel interesting. Looking at the cancelation, three elements are a part of it. First the place name, then the date and year of postal usage and finally, at the bottom is the time of day that the clerk cancelled the letter.

Studying the place names is interesting in itself, but what has complicated and expanded the total number of cancels, is that a language commission change the spelling of names, thus, while the location is the same, there can be more than one cancel from that place. For instance, the town of Doesborgh was respelled as Doesburg, or the town of Hasselt (Ov.) was later changed to simply Hasselt. That is just the city town/village names. Don’t forget RPO’s, sub post offices in larger cities like Amsterdam which had 14 of them (Amsterdam 1 etc). All told, there is over 2,400 different cancels to collect.

Through eBay, I became connected with the Netherlands Philatelist of Northern California and from there learned more about collecting these cancels as well as other types of cancels from the classical period of stamps (1860-1930). This led to collecting the cancel dates and so I added pages for each month in a calendar year. Because this period was so prolific in mailing letters, it only took three to four years to fill in the calendar. But the calendar must also consider the full year, and don’t forget February 29th. I then also started to collect the calendar on one specific stamp, Scott # 35. This calendar is about two thirds full, with no month of the year completed yet.

As mentioned above, the third element was the time of day the stamp was cancelled. This was fairly simple to gather and so I started to collect this on certain stamps as well, Scott # 23, 35 and 40. The collection of #40 is complete, #35 requires one more find, but the early one, #23 is about two thirds complete.

Naturally, there is also catalogues printed which go into the grading of cancels so that values can be assigned. The one bad thing about this is that the pages I had made to house the collection do not have room for new discoveries and the odd deletion. All told, the cancel collection is housed in four, three ring binders. Two of those binders house the “numeral cancel” collection while the other types of cancels are in the last two binders One moral of the story is that collecting stamps is never boring! Even focusing on one country, the average collector will never complete a collection, because every country has some varieties that one or very few copies exist of. Enjoy what you can from the hobby, and yes a worldwide collection is still a reasonable thing to collect.

Phil Visser is Newsletter Editor for the Owen Sound Stamp Stamp (Chapter 191 of the RPSC).