Geldert Medal for 2011 awarded to Lane Robson George Pepall, President of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC), has announced that Lane Robson of Calgary, Alberta has been awarded the Geldert Medal for 2011. The Geldert Medal is given annually for the best article or series of articles in The Canadian Philatelist (TCP), the journal of the society. Robson was chosen the Geldert winner chiefly for his article, “Registered Victorian Era Letters from Canada to the Peabody Medical Institute in Boston” in the November-December 2011 issue. He was also cited for his contribution of “Streets of Late Victorian-Era Toronto in the March-April issue of TCP. Robson’s articles were among 25 eligible for the 2011 award. The Geldert may be merited only once to an individual. On hearing of his success, Lane Robson said, “Having read and enjoyed so many fine articles in CP over the years, my initial reaction was total surprise.” His surprise was abetted by, “How can I be awarded a medal for something that was so much fun to do?” In an email interview with the RPSC, he said, “The Victorian era has been my main philatelic interest since I first started collecting at the age of ten. My dad had a squared circle cancel from Winnipeg that was addressed to my grandfather, who was a teacher in Emerson, Manitoba. It started my fascination with the Victorian era.” Readers of TCP are fortunate that Mr. Robson, a medical doctor, cared to share his enthusiasm. “Over the years,” he says, “I have published hundreds of medical articles,” and writing was his “principal evening pastime after my daughters were asleep.” Now that he published philatelic items, more may be expected. The Geldert jury, whose decision was unanimous, included comments such as “well researched and is definitely original.” “It must be the first article on the subject.” “It is well illustrated and apt references apply.” “ Interesting analysis and good history on Peabody.” “It definitely demonstrates original research, and it was well presented.” Robson has spent almost four decades as a paediatric kidney specialist. Today, he still works in his specialty, and “over the last two years, he spent a fair amount of volunteer time working as a paediatrician in poor countries.” His interview came via email from Nicaragua. RPSC President George Pepall said, “It is important to congratulate Geldert Medal winners because they are an inspiration to others and a wonderful example for the hobby.” He was “most impressed with Lane Robson’s two articles, especially the Victorian Era Covers to the Boston Institute.” He said, “We need more first-time contributors to TCP like him. Their work is well researched, includes references, and is impeccable.” The Geldert Medal was established in 1967 by Phyllis Geldert in memory of her husband Dr. George M. “Mac” Geldert, FRPSC and RPSC president (1958-1967). The Geldert Medal selection committee consists of RPSC members Michael O. Nowlan, Chair; Cimon Morin and Kevin O’Reilly. Information on The RPSC can be had by e-mail at info@rpsc.org or by visiting the Society's website at www.rpsc.org, or by calling 416-979-8874, toll free 1-888-285-4143. For more information contact:
Michael O. Nowlan 506-357-2698 ![]()
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