By President Ed Kroft
Hello everyone. I hope that you enjoyed the holiday season and that you have had to time to enjoy your stamp collection!
My goal, as President, is to encourage a large and diverse group of collectors to enjoy the membership benefits that the RPSC currently has to offer and wants to make available. As part of the RPSC strategic planning exercise, our Board is studying ways to make this happen. The RPSC needs positive and proactive assistance from its members and from those who are willing to join us. The RPSC Board consists of 14 dedicated collectors who donate a lot of time, without monetary reward, at the local, national, and international levels to grow our hobby in Canada. We are assisted by many others who make presentations, put on stamp shows, exhibit, write articles, enjoy collecting stamps and who are generous with their time and knowledge. The RPSC and our hobby also benefit from the patronage and support from stamp dealers who attend shows and make materials available through different media.
Yet, most collectors are not members of the RPSC or any philatelic organizations. Those of us who are active in stamp clubs and other philatelic organizations want to attract new collectors to the hobby . The RPSC also needs these newbies and many existing collectors to join its membership ranks. When I or other dedicated RPSC members, including board members, are at stamp clubs or shows we hear why people are not members of the RPSC. I want to dispel some misconceptions about the RPSC which might be causing collectors to refrain from joining the RPSC.
Truths About the RPSC
- The RPSC is not a wealthy organization:
The RPSC is a non-profit organization. Its goal is to break even annually and its limited funds are managed responsibly during the year . The RPSC mainly spends funds on the production of the Canadian Philatelist and benefits from a government grant to help break even. The RPSC could benefit from donations to fund additional services for its members.
2. The RPSC annual stamp show welcomes all exhibitors to exhibit on all types of subjects and not just expensive Canadian stamps:
The Royal/Royale is a national show which is governed by various exhibiting rules. The Royal wants to attract a diverse group of exhibitors. I ask that anyone wanting to exhibit to come forward if his/her exhibit meets the criteria set out in the exhibiting prospectus. The amount of money that one spends on a collection does not guarantee an exhibitor a high medal.
3. Belonging to a local club that is an affiliate of the RPSC does not make a member of the local club a member of the RPSC:
Many local chapters join the RPSC for a variety of reasons. The RPSC is seeking to have more local chapter members join the RPSC as well. The RPSC is determined to be present and relevant for local chapter members. I want to hear what the local chapter members need from the RPSC.
4. The RPSC needs more volunteers from across Canada and geography is not always an issue:
People sometimes say that they cannot travel to philatelic events and cannot play a role in a national organization such as the RPSC. Although the RPSC is headquartered in Toronto, almost all of its current directors are not . The current Board is made of people from these provinces: BC (2), Alberta (2), Ontario (5), Quebec (3), New Brunswick (1). One director is in France. Only 1 director of the 5 in Ontario is from Toronto. Our editor and webmaster is from Manitoba. The internet and teleconferencing bridge the physical distance. We see each other, at our own costs, at stamp shows including the Royal/Royale convention.
5. The leadership of the RPSC is relatively young and the RPSC Board is not a “boys club”:
The Board is composed of 2 women and 12 men and the average age of the Board is younger than it has been for quite some time. Not all board members stand for election for 3 two year terms. There is turnover which gives rise to new ideas. Since 2016, there have been many new faces on the board with 2 more new members to follow in June at the annual general meeting.
New Volunteer Recognition Programme — Where are your nominations?
In each edition of the RPSC newsletter , I mention the Volunteer Recognition Program. It is intended to recognize those individuals who have made a significant contribution to philately as a member of the RPSC or a member of an RPSC Chapter or Affiliate.
To date, we have not heard from you our members and our affiliates!!! Please let us know whom you wish to see acknowledged. There are many deserving candidates. Our board does not want to make the choices.
RPSC Board Activities
Our last meeting of the Board was on February 3, 2019 by teleconference . The Board and other dedicated volunteers discussed a variety of topics, including various aspects of the strategic plan. Once approved, minutes of Board meetings are posted on the RPSC website. The next Board meeting is scheduled for April 7, 2019.
Articles Are Needed for The Canadian Philatelist
Do you wish to share your knowledge of philately with others? Please consider taking your time to write an informative and scholarly piece for the RPSC’s flagship publication, The Canadian Philatelist , also known as TCP. Please contact our new editor , Robin Harris, or a member of our talented editorial board: Gray Scrimgeour, Richard Gratton , Rob Timberg and Francois Brisse. Those wishing to submit articles for publication are encouraged to contact Robin at
If you wish to write a piece on stamp collecting for the RPSC Newsletter, please contact me at the email address below or Mike Walsh – We are also interested in printing articles that have already appeared in the newsletters of local clubs. Please share your knowledge with your fellow collectors.
Information and Articles for the RPSC Newsletter including Chapter Listings and Chapter News
We are always looking to attract new members to the RPSC and new collectors to the hobby. If you wish to write a piece on stamp collecting for the RPSC Newsletter, please contact me at the email address below or Mike Walsh –
In the last edition of the newsletter, you saw articles from local chapters/ clubs discussing their activities. I will continue to urge all local chapters to let the RPSC newsletter help advertise club meetings . The Canadian Philatelist contains listings of chapters every two months. Our newsletter is trying to get more timely information out to our members and to collectors who may be interested in participating in chapter activities. Let the RPSC help you grow your chapters . The RPSC is interested in seeing more collectors attend RPSC chapter meetings. We hope that the newsletter will assist in this regard and will contain details of upcoming chapter meetings, including the names of speakers and locations. Even if members or other collectors cannot attend meetings, they may learn of interesting topics and be able to source presentations from those who volunteered to share information. Please send us details of upcoming meetings, locations, speakers and topics. Send us your chapter newsletters!! We are also interested in printing articles that have already appeared in the newsletters of local clubs.
Edmonton Spring National Stamp Show- March 23-24, 2019
This excellent show usually has about 100 frames of exhibits and a number of dealers. The show welcomes collectors and exhibitors. The show will be held on Saturday and Sunday, March 23-24, 2019 at its usual venue, Central Lions Rec Centre, 11113 – 113 St NW, Edmonton, Alberta. Information on the show can be found at
Please Volunteer and Help the RPSC
We all love our hobby and dedicate as much time as we can to it in many ways. I am asking you those of you who are unaffiliated with a local club to join a club and the RPSC and to help in any way you can. Without volunteers your Society cannot survive. That will not help to perpetuate the hobby.
Best Regards
Edwin G. Kroft, Q.C.