The Admiral Stamps of Canada

Perforated Initials


To discourage theft by their employees, companies and government departments used to perforate their stamps with initials or insignia. Stamps that have such perforations are referred to as "perfins," an abbreviation for "perforated initials."

The earliest know Canadian perfin on cover features the initials of W.J Gage & Company of Toronto, and it is on 3-cent Small Queen dated 8 October 1889.

Instructions and limitations concerning the use of perfins was posted in the quarterly supplement of the Postal Guide in April 1910. It stated:

No objection is made by the Department to the perforation of postage stamps with the distinctive marks (initials or other) of the individual or firm using them, but it must be understood that the designs employed should be for the purpose of identification, and not for advertising. The perforations shall not exceed one thirty-second of an inch in diameter, and the hole space occupied shall not exceed one-half inch square. The perforating must not be done in such a manner as to prevent the stamp being easily recognized as genuine, and not one that had been previously used. The use of ink or other coloring matter in connection with the perforating is prohibited. Individuals or firms desirous of using perforated postage stamps must first make application to the Postmaster general, submitting their proposed designs, and obtain permission for their use.

Perfins may be collected in three ways: one of each type or perforation, a copy of every stamp perforated by every perforator, and a copy of every stamp perforated by every perforator in eight possible positions (where the perforation may be oriented north, east, south or west, on each side of the stamp).

Over 300 perfin types were made and used until the 1980's when postage meters rendered perforating stamps obsolete. Almost all of the known perfin types may be found on Admiral stamps.

Examples of Admiral Perfins

Grand Trunk Railway System
Canadian Explosives Ltd.
Travellers Insurance Co.
Northern Electric Co.

Updated: 5 Oct 97